HL Deb 28 April 1993 vol 545 cc15-6WA
Lord Brabazon of Tara

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the key performance targets for Her Majesty's Land Registry and Public Record Office Executive Agencies for 1993–94.

The Lord Chancellor

The following tables set out the key performance targets that I have set for Her Majesty's Land Registry and Public Record Office Executive Agencies for 1993–94.

HM Land Registry Executive Agency Key Performance Targets 1993–94
Indicator Target
1. Financial Return on average capital employed 6 per cent.
2. Efficiency Progressive reduction in unit costs in real terms To achieve or better a 13 per cent. improvement over the five year period 1993/94 to 1997/98 of which an improvement of at least 2 per cent. is required in 1993/94.
3. Productivity Progressive increase in output per post
4. Speed of service Percentage of pre-completion applications handled in 3 days 96 per cent.
Average handling time for post-completion applications (weeks) 5
5. Quality of service Percentage of pre-completion applications handled free of error 99.7 per cent.
Percentage of post-completion applications handled free of error 97.65 per cent.
6. Development of Land Registration Number of computerised registers 8.30 million
Note: Fuller details of the registry's performance targets are given in its Business Plan, which is available from HM Land Registry.
Public Record Office Executive Agency Key performance targets 1993–94
Indicator Target
1. Efficiency:
Indicator: Cost of selecting and accessioning records: To decrease the cost of selecting and accessioning records by 7 per cent.
Indicator: Unit costs of providing records storage space, document productions and reader services: To reduce the cost of providing record storage space per linear foot by 6 per cent.
To decrease the cost per document produced to readers by 9 per cent.
To decrease the total reader service costs per reader visit (census microfilms) by 5 per cent.
To decrease the total reader service costs per reader visit (other records) by 4 per cent.
Indicator Target
Backlog of records awaiting review: To identify and quantify the backlog.
To reduce the known backlog of records over 30 years old which have not been processed, by 1,500 feet (current backlog 5,500 feet).
Storage of records: 81 per cent. of records to be stored to an acceptable standard.
Reader satisfaction: 85 per cent. of reader satisfaction survey forms returned to have a better overall assessment of good, or better.
Management efficiency in running services and projects: The overall rate of achievement for target levels set for management services.
2. Quality of service
Hours during which the office is open to the public: It is planned to extend opening hours at Kew on weekdays.
1. Fuller details of the office's performance targets are given in its Business Plan, which is available from the Public Record Office.
2. Following the introduction of accruals accounting, the basis on which the unit costs are calculated will be revised during 1993–94.