HC Deb 28 October 1992 vol 212 cc718-23W
Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment for each region and for Great Britain as a whole since April 1991 how many people have joined job clubs, and how many have left; how many leavers got jobs, and how many entered another positive outcome; and if she will give the information broken down by the ethnic origin and gender of participants.

Mr. McLoughlin

Responsibility for the subject of the question has been delegated to the Employment Service Agency under its chief executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from A. G. Johnson to Ms. Clare Short, dated 28 October 1992: As the Employment Service is an Executive Agency, it is the responsibility of Mike Fogden, the Agency's Chief Executive to answer Parliamentary Questions about relevant operational matters. In his absence, I am replying to your question to the Secretary of State for Employment about how many people have attended a Restart Interview since 1 April 1991; and what were the results of those interviews. Mike Fogden last wrote to you on this subject on 25 February 1992. However we have changed the way we collect some of our statistics which means that although the information on the number of people joining and leaving Jobclubs is available up to September 1992, the breakdown by ethnic origin and gender of participants is only available up to March 1992. The figures for 1992–93 will be collected at the end of the operational year. Table 'A' attached shows for each region and nationally the numbers who have joined Jobclubs between 1 April 1991 and 27 March 1992 together with the same period of those members leaving. Leavers who are shown as going into other positive outcomes have gone on either to training, full-time education or self-employment. Table 'B' attached shows the estimated performance between 1 April 1991 and 27 March 1992 for male and female Jobclub members and by ethnic origin separated on a regional basis and for Great Britain as a whole. This has been derived from the quarterly surveys which were carried out during the period. Table 'C' shows similar statistics to 'A', but covers the period 30 March 1992 to 25 September 1992. On the ethnic background and male/female characteristics of Jobclub leavers is now collected on an annual sample survey basis. As a result of this change, Service programmes and which should improve accuracy, the breakdown of male and female membership and ethnic origin is not yet available for the 1992–93 period. I hope this is helpful.

As decided by the Administration Committee of the House of Commons, Chief Executive replies to written

Table A Jobclub Entrants & Leavers Information 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
Region Jobclub entrants Jobclub leavers Leavers into jobs Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Leavers into positive outcomes
Per cent. Per cent.
Northern 12,659 12,379 4,731 38 1,444 50
Yorkshire and Humberside 16,115 15,314 6,463 42 2,349 58
East Midlands 16,807 15,193 7,355 48 2,625 66
London and South East 51,840 46,048 17,826 39 7,253 54
South West 13,034 11,954 5,986 50 1,866 66
Wales 11,165 10,400 5,179 50 1,397 63
West Midlands 19,285 16,931 7,669 45 3,006 63
North West 29,298 28,176 12,576 45 3,468 57
Scotland 19,914 19,745 9,046 46 2,674 59
Nationally 190,117 176,140 76,831 44 26,082 58
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
National Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 67,544 21,285 153,167
Black/Afro Caribbean 3,889 1,804 8,856
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 4,170 2,444 10,966
None of the above 816 472 2,196
Preferred not to say 412 77 955
Total 76,831 26,082 176,140
Male 58,853 20,593 140,470
Female 17,978 5,489 35,670
Totals 76,831 26,082 176,140
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
Northern Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 4.641 1,393 12,140
Black/Afro Caribbean 12 31 68
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 48 10 114
None of the above 12 0 23
Preferred not to say 12 10 34
Total 4,731 1,444 12,379
Male 3,728 1,249 10,432
Female 1,003 195 1,947
Totals 4,731 1,444 12,379

Parlimentary Questions will now be published in the Official Report.I will also place a copy of this letter in the Library of the House.

Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
Yorkshire and Humberside Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 5,905 2,070 13,883
Black/Afro Caribbean 73 63 219
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 376 216 1,032
None of the above 73 0 141
Preferred not to say 36 0 39
Total 6,463 2,349 15,314
Male 4,972 1,955 12,602
Female 1,491 394 2,712
Totals 6,463 2,349 15,314
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
East Midland and Eastern Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 6,710 2,170 13,600
Black/Afro Caribbean 139 202 379
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 491 202 1,088
None of the above 15 51 110
Preferred not to say 0 0 16
Total 7,355 2,625 15,193
Male 5,792 1,969 12,211
Female 1,563 656 2,982
Totals 7,355 2,625 15,193
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
London and South East Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 12,241 4.405 31,731
Black/Afro Caribbean 2,941 1,236 6,587
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 1,970 1,221 5,627
None of the above 446 360 1,494
Preferred not to say 228 31 609
Total 17,826 7,253 46,048
Male 12,739 5,344 34,697
Female 5,087 1,909 11,351
Totals 17,826 7,253 46,048
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
South West Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 5,705 1,709 11,420
Black/Afro Caribbean 146 13 182
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 90 131 279
None of the above 45 13 73
Preferred not to say 0 0 0
Total 5,986 1,866 11,954
Male 4,670 1,459 9,529
Female 1,316 407 2,425
Totals 5,986 1,866 11,954
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
Wales Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 5,018 1,357 10,097
Black/Afro Caribbean 40 27 101
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 67 13 130
None of the above 54 0 72
Preferred not to say 0 0 0
Total 5,179 1,397 10,400
Male 4,132 1,209 8,453
Female 1,047 188 1,947
Totals 5,179 1,397 10,400
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
West Midlands Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 6,524 2.264 14,189
Black/Afro Caribbean 310 195 882
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 716 487 1,655
None of the above 95 36 133
Preferred not to say 24 24 72
Total 7,669 3,006 16,931
Male 5,796 2,349 13,332
Female 1,873 657 3,599
Totals 7,669 3,006 16,931
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male/female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
North West Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 11,910 3.282 26,706
Black/Afro Caribbean 174 37 357
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 376 125 879
None of the above 58 12 110
Preferred not to say 58 12 124
Total 12,576 3,468 28,176
Male 9,740 2,844 23,107
Female 2,836 624 5,069
Totals 12,576 3,468 28,176
Table B Jobclub leavers information by ethnic group and male)female characteristics 1 April 1991 to 27 March 1992
Scotland Leavers into jobs Leavers into other positive outcomes Total leavers
White 8,884 2,635 19,401
Black/Afro Caribbean 54 0 81
Indian/Pakistani/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanken 36 39 162
None of the above 18 0 40
Preferred not to say 54 0 61
Total 9,046 2,674 19,745
Male 7,284 2,215 16,107
Female 1,762 459 3,638
Totals 9,046 2,674 19,745
Table C Jobclub Entrants & Leavers Information 30 March 1992 to 25 September 1992
Region Jobclub entrants Jobclub leavers Leavers into jobs leavers into jobs Per cent. leavers into other positive outcomes Leavers into positive outcomes Per cent.
Northern 6,826 7,182 3,018 42 828 54
Yorkshire and Humberside 9,251 9,152 4,383 48 1,359 63
East Midlands 9,468 9,934 4,827 49 1,590 65
London and South East 33,163 31,906 13,273 42 4,708 56
South West 7,683 7,893 3,889 49 1,155 64
Wales 6,324 6,108 3,296 54 842 68
West Midlands 10,877 10,945 4,756 43 1,790 60
North West 15,718 16,086 7,269 45 1,897 57
Scotland 10,683 10,731 5,288 49 1,479 63
Nationally 109,993 109,937 49,999 45 15,648 60