HC Deb 27 November 1992 vol 214 cc907-8W
Mr. Cousins

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what guidance he offers to companies receiving state aids about technology transfer to enterprises based in other countries; how such guidance distinguishes between direct sale and participation in joint ventures; and how it distinguishes between other countries of the EC and elsewhere.

Mr. Leigh

[holding answer 24 November 1992]: Organisations which receive financial assistance from the Department of Trade and Industry for research and development, and for technology transfer, are encouraged to exploit the results in the United Kingdom or the remainder of the European Community. This is achieved by means of a clause in grant letters which restricts exploitation to the European Community for a period of five years after completion of the project. By this means the interests of the United Kingdom and European Community industry sectors which—normally contribute their own resources to the work—are promoted, competitive advantage is gained through technical innovation and the build-up of knowhow, and value for taxpayers' money is maximised. Exceptions are permitted. Whilst no distinction is drawn between direct sale of the results or participation in joint ventures, each case is considered on its merits with a view to maximising net benefits to the United Kingdom and European Community sectors involved. The views of any United Kingdom collaborators are also taken into account in forming a judgment.