§ Mr. MilburnTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what percentage of England's population live in(a) derelict land clearance areas and (b) assisted areas.
§ Mr. Robin Squire[holding answer 16 November 1992]: This information is not held centrally.
§ Mr. MilburnTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the travel-to-work areas that are derelict land clearance areas but not assisted areas.
§ Mr. Robin Squire[holding answer 16 November 1992]: Derelict land clearance areas are not defined by travel to work area. The following travel to work areas include areas which have been designated as derelict land clearance areas and which are not assisted areas.
Alfreton and Ashfield Keighley Barrow in Furnees Lancaster and Morecambe Berwick Leeds Burnley Leek Buxton London Calderdale Macclesfield Carlisle Manchester Castleford and Pontefract Mansfield Chesterfield Matlock Clitheroe Newark Crewe Northwich Derby Nottingham Goole and Selby Pendle Huddersfield Preston
Retford Uttoxeter and Ashbourne St Austell Wakefield and Dewsbury Stafford Warrington Stoke Whitehaven Truro