§ Sir Thomas ArnoldTo ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what criteria are used in determining the amount of aid given by the United Kingdom to Tanzania(a) bilaterally and (b) through the EC.
§ Mr. Lennox-BoydWe take a number of factors into account when allocating bilateral aid to individual countries. These include the comparative poverty of the country concerned, and the effectiveness with which our aid can be used. We consider whether the country has adopted policies which will help to promote economic growth and social progress and to combat poverty. The quality of government in the country concerned is an integral part of our assessment.
The overall allocation of funds for the European development fund—EDF—is decided by the member states. The Commission then draws up national indicative programmes—NIPs—for individual countries based on the priorities set out in the Lomé convention. The overall allocation for Tanzania for EDF VII is 195 mecu for commitment over the period 1992 to 1997. Individual projects are then put to a management committee on which the Overseas Development Administration is represented. The same criteria are applied to the Commission's proposals as we apply to our own bilateral programme.
§ Sir Thomas ArnoldTo ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his answer of 9 November,Official Report, columns 553–54, if he will list the capital and technical co-operation projects in Tanzania supported by the EC; and the total cost of the projects in each case.
§ Mr. Lennox-BoydCapital and technical co-operation projects funded by the EC in Tanzania since 1981 total 225.5 mecu—approximately £184 million at current exchange rates—and are listed in the table.
Project Total cost of project (ecus) Training Programme 1981–85 462,411 Attendance at Trade Fairs 25,380 Mtwara Water Supply 5,065,492 Phase 2 Agriculture Project Tringa 10,569,323 Morogoro Canvas Mill 2,500,000 Mwanza Water Supply 6,590,240 Coffee Development Programme 12,848,002 Training of Irrigation Engineers 815,131 Study Banana Pest Control in Kagera Region 56,955 Road from Idetero to Paper Mill (Supp Fin) 8,456,155 Study Rehabilitation of Zanzibar—Pemba Port 49,317 Technical Assistance Rehabilitation Hospital Zanzibar and Pemoa 267,199 1st Annual Microprojects Programme 643,239 Tanzania Trade Promotion Programme 154,884 Tanzania Tourism Promotion 185,137 Technical Assistance Food Strategy Tanzania 238,560 Region Rinderpest Control Programme 1,376,470 Nyanguge-Dunda-Musoma Road 16,761,620 Technical Assistance Ports Zanzibar and Pemba 134,930 Extensions Mbeya Water Supply System 2,975,465 Coffee Development Programme Phase 2 8,556,784 Morogoro Canvas Mill Management 2,200,000 Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organisation Tirdo 1,471,515 2nd Annual Microprojects Programme 442,792 Banana Improvement Pest Control 967,812
Project Total cost of project (ecus) Rehabilitation Zanzibar Hospitals Phase 1 1,066,044 Co-operative and Rural Development Bank 1,478,557 Study Tanzania Seed Industry 88,630 Rehabilitation Zanzibar Hospitals Phase 2 2,557,142 Rehabilitation Zanzibar Ports 9,890,767 Moroco Shoe Factory 35,000 Total funded under Lomé II (European Development Fund 5) 1981–85 106,930,953 Food Security Agriculture Sector Programme 17,416,116 Coffee Production Marketing Agriculture Sector 13,346,696 Co-operatives Agriculture Sectors 4,255,605 Vehicle Tractor Repair Agriculture Sector 10,264,599 Road Maintenance Agriculture Sector 13,157,609 Managing Unit Assistance to Agricultural Sector 5,485,449 Rehabilitation Zanzibar Ports 13,690,820 1st Programme of Microprojects 135,554 Emergency Programme, Tanzania Railways Corporation 1,997,945 Musoma Sirari Road Study 502,865 Morogoro Canvas Mill Management 3,296,296 Study Telecom Network South West Tanzania 38,522 Study Rehabilitation STDL Dairy Plants 11,617 Incentive Goods for Tanzania 6,079,753 Sectoral Import Programme 15,378,360 Mtwara Audit Financing 59,991 Sector Import Programme 7,975,323 Seminar Public Enterprise Reform 36,782 Study Management Development Zanzibar Ports 59,334 Livestock Service Development 187,436 Study Telecom Southern Highlands 146,377 Feeder Roads in South West 4,067,335 Conservation Historic Buildings 179,664 Ibanda Uyole Road 666,635 Data Base Financial Control System 30,581 Total funded under Lomé III (European Development Fund 6) 1986–90 118,467,264 Serengeti Region Conservation Strategy 108,933 Total funded under Lomé IV (European Development Fund 7) 108,933 Source:European Commission