HC Deb 19 November 1992 vol 214 c296W
Mr. Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the volumes of(a) low-level waste, (b) intermediate-level waste and (c) high-level waste stored at (i) AWE Aldermaston, (ii) AWE Burghfield and (iii) AWE Cardiff for each year since 1979.

Mr. Aitken

The amounts stored for each year are set out in the table:

Volumes of low and intermediate-level waste stored at A WE sites
Volumes are in cubic metres
Year AWE









1979 580 870 7 160
1980 720 370 5 80
1981 780 340 8 70
1982 1,060 860 2 90
1983 1,140 520 6 220
1984 1,160 800 3 140
1985 1,200 950 3 60
1986 1,670 1,140 3 210
1987 1,340 1,380 0.3 170
1988 2,630 1,570 0.7 20
1989 2,100 1,780 0.7 20
1990 1,680 1,940 1 10
1991 1,800 2,100 1 20
1992 2,210 2,200 1 50


1. The apparent change in AWE(A) LLW holdings between 1987 and 1988 is mainly due to revised volume accounting arrangements. Measurement by gross volume of ISO containers was introduced at this time.

2. Figures stated are holdings in December for each of the years quoted, actual material held fluctuates during the course of the year.

3. ILW has been accumulating each year since 1983, following suspension of sea dumping.

4. Figures for AWE(A) and AWE(C) are rounded to the nearest 10m3.

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