§ Mr. SpearingTo ask the Secretary of State for Health what restrictions have been made in the funding of voluntary overtime offered by the crews of the London ambulance service(a) from January to October and (b) since 1 November last.
§ Mr. SackvilleThe London ambulance service (LAS) must provide its services within the resources agreed with the South West Thames regional health authority. In common with all ambulance services the LAS manages staff expenditure including overtime within their annual budget. The LAS have therefore established a unit to co-ordinate overtime against expected demand on a pan-London basis.
§ Mr. SpearingTo ask the Secretary of State for Health what powers she has to instruct the South West Thames regional health authority to cease budget capping of emergency ambulance crews of the London ambulance service; and if she will make a statement.
§ Mr. SackvilleThe London ambulance service (LAS) must provide its services within the resources agreed with the South West Thames regional health authority. In common with all ambulance services the LAS manages staff expenditure including overtime within their annual budget. The emergency service which is provided by the LAS must be managed from within the total budget available to the service. My relationship to the management of the LAS is no different than with any other directly managed unit within the NHS. We have asked the chairman of the South West Thames regional health authority, the accountable management authority, to take immediate action on a number of matters to improve the performance of the LAS.