HC Deb 06 November 1992 vol 213 c430W
Mr. Steen

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if there have been any offers accepted in lieu of tax or allocated since his predecessor's announcement on 16 June.

Mr. Brooke

Since my predecessor's announcement on 16 June,Official Report, columns 448–9, I am pleased to inform the House of the acceptance of two offers in lieu of tax, and the allocation of three offers previously accepted. A further payment has also been made for an offer accepted last year.

The offers are: A painting by Beccafumi, "San Bernardino preaching in the Campo at Siena", together with a chalk study for the painting, and two diagrams by Michelangelo, satisfying £119,000 tax, and A sculpture by Henry Moore which will satisfy £87,500 tax.

The sculpture will be allocated to Leeds city art gallery. A decision on the allocation of the Beccafumi and Michelangelo diagrams has yet to be taken.

Three offers, previously accepted, have now been allocated.

An offer of a collection of eight contemporary paintings:

  • "Bomb store" by David Bomberg
  • "Self-portrait, recto and verso" by David Bomberg
  • "Ghetto theatre" by David Bomberg
  • "Woman and goat" by Robert Colquhoun
  • "Two Figures Monotype" Robert Colquhoun
  • "Man hosing metal fish boxes" by Prunella Clough
  • "Pears" by William Scott
  • An untitled work by Roger Hilton

"Bomb store" by David Bomberg and the Prunella Clough painting have been allocated to the Tate gallery and the remainder to the Wakefield city art gallery.

An offer comprising of a vintage motorcar and two motor-cycles. The car will go to the national motor museum and the motor-cycles to the Bradford industrial museum and the tank museum.

An offer comprising a Rembrandt etching and 31 illuminated manuscripts will go to the national art collections fund.

The further payment for the Statham collection of porcelain will be £4,333.51.