HC Deb 21 May 1992 vol 208 cc246-51W
Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment whether she will publish a table showing the proportions of(a) men and (b) women broken down by ethnic origin who are working as (i) full-time employees, (ii) part-time employees and (iii) self-employed.

Mr. McLoughlin

The available estimates are given in the table.

Persons in employment by sex and ethnic origin; average, spring 1989–91 Great Britain
Persons of working age (16–59/64)2 Per cent.
All origins3 White Ethnic minority groups
All West Indian/Guyanese Indian Pakistani/Bangladeshi All other origins5
Men in employment4 (thousands = 100 per cent.) 14,399 13,710 592 112 207 102 171
Full-time employees 78 78 72 81 69 67 73
Part-time employees 3 3 5 1 1 1 7
Self-employed 17 17 20 11 26 24 18
Women in employment4 (thousands = 100 per cent.) 10,750 10,279 399 108 134 31 126
Full-time employees 53 52 62 69 62 48 59
Part-time employees 39 39 26 25 25 1 27
Self-employed 7 7 9 1 11 1 11
Source: Labour Force Surveys
1 Less than 10,000 in cell: estimate not shown.
2 The upper age limit is 64 for men and 59 for women.
3 Includes those who did not state origin.
4 Includes those of mixed origin.
5 Including those on Government employment or training programmes and employees not stating whether full-time/part-time. The full-time classification is based on respondents self-assessment.

Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment whether she will publish a table showing unemployment rates by sex, age and ethnic origin for the period 1989 to 1991 using the latest labour force survey.

ILO unemployment rates by sex, age and ethnic origin: average, spring 1989–1991
Persons aged 16 and over Great Britain
Per cent.
Ethnic minority groups
All origins2 White All West Indian/ Guyanese Indian Pakistani/Bangladeshi All other origins3
All persons
All aged 16 and over 7 7 13 14 10 21 11
16–24 11 11 20 24 16 25 18
25–44 7 6 11 11 8 19 10
45–59–64 6 6 11 1 1 1 1
60 65 and over4 5 5 1 1 1 1 1
All aged 16 and over 8 7 13 15 10 21 11
16–24 12 12 22 1 1 1 1
25–44 7 6 11 1 8 19 10
45–64 7 7 12 1 1 1 1
65 and over 7 6 1 1 1 1 1
All aged 16 and over 7 7 12 12 10 24 11
16–24 10 9 19 1 1 1 1
25–44 7 7 10 1 1 1 1
45–59 5 5 1 1 1 1 1
60 and over 4 4 1 1 1 1 1
Source: Labour Force Surveys.
1 Less than 10,000 in cell: estimate not shown.
2 Includes those who did not state origin.
3 Includes those of mixed origin.
4 Includes those over state retirement age.

Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment whether she will publish a table showing employment by industry and ethnic origin for the period 1989 to 1991 for(a) men and (b) women broken down into (i) whites and (ii) ethnic minorities.

Mr. McLoughlin

The available estimates are given in the table.

Mr. McLoughlin

The available estimates are given in the table.

Employment+ by industry and ethnic origin; average spring 1989–91
Great Britain
Persons in employment2 aged 16 and over Thousands
SIC 19801 Males Females
White Ethnic minority groups White Ethnic minority groups
All industries4 13,726 580 10,600 393
0 Agriculture, forestry, fishing 420 4 117 4
1 Energy and water supply 472 4 88 4
2 Extraction of minerals, metal manufacture, etc 590 15 188 4
3 Metal goods, engineering and vehicles 1,887 74 520 22
4 Other manufacturing 1,369 62 844 44
44/55 Footwear, clothing and leather goods 83 12 208 20
5 Construction 1,725 29 187 4
6 Distribution, hotels, catering and repairs 2,235 168 2,651 96
61/63 Wholesale distribution 582 20 279 11
64/65 Retail distribution 1,101 87 1,626 57
66 Hotels and catering 323 53 710 28
7 Transport and communications 1,158 65 351 18
79 Postal services and telecommunications 331 21 125 4
8 Banking and finance, etc 1,404 59 1,328 45
83 Business services 803 36 681 23
9 Other services 2,431 100 4,301 156
91 Public administration, national defence, etc 870 23 627 25
93 Education 502 15 1,144 22
95 Medical/health/veterinary services 243 29 994 59
96 Other services to the public4 288 19 1,112 41
Source: Labour Force Surveys.
1 Less than 10,000 in cell: estimate not shown.
2 Excluding those on Government employment and training programmes.
3 Results are shown for all SIC 1980 divisions, and for classes accounting for at least 30,000 persons from ethnic minority groups.
4 The totals include those who did not specify industry.
5 Comprises all other public services excluding sanitary, research and development, recreational and domestic services.

Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment whether she will publish a table showing employment by broad occupation by ethnic origin and by sex for the period 1989 to 1991.

Employment2 by broad occupation, ethnic origin and sex: average: spring 1989–1991 Great Britain
Employees and self employed aged 16 and over Per cent.
All origins3 White Ethnic minority groups
All West Indian/Guyanese Indian Pakistani/Bangladeshi All other origins4
All persons
All (thousands = 100 per cent.) 25,467 24,326 8,916 217 337 127 291
All non-manual occupations 57 57 57 47 60 45 67
Managerial and professional 33 33 34 26 37 27 43
Clerical and related 16 16 16 17 16 10 17
Other non-manual 8 8 8 4 7 8 7
All manual occupations 43 43 42 52 40 54 33
Craft and similar 16 16 15 16 14 17 8
General labourers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Other manual 27 27 27 36 25 36 24
All (thousands = 100 per cent.) 14,401 13,726 580 108 205 100 167
All non-manual occupations 48 48 49 32 59 40 64
Managerial and professional 36 36 36 20 43 28 48
Clerical and related 5 5 6 1 9 1 8
Other non-manual 6 6 7 1 6 1 7
All manual occupations 52 52 51 68 41 59 36
Craft and similar 25 25 24 28 16 17 12
General labourers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Other manual 26 26 26 39 24 41 24
All (thousands = 100 per cent.) 11.066 10,600 393 109 133 27 124
All non-manual occupations 68 68 68 63 62 64 72
Managerial and professional 29 29 31 33 28 1 35
Clerical and related 30 30 29 26 27 1 30

Mr. McLoughlin

The available estimates are given in the table.

All origins3 White Ethnic minority groups
All West Indian/Guyanese Indian Pakistani/Bangladeshi All other origins4
Other non-manual 10 10 9 1 1 1 1
All manual occupations 32 31 31 37 38 36 28
Craft and similar 4 4 4 1 11 1 1
General labourers 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
Other manual 28 28 27 33 27 1 25
1 Less than 10,000 in cell; estimate not shown.
2 Including those not stating employment status.
3 Includes those who did not state origin.
4 Includes those of mixed origin.
Source: Labour Force Survey.

Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment whether she will publish a table showing unemployment rates by ethnic origin in Greater London for people aged 16 years and over in 1991.

Mr. McLoughlin

The information is as follows:

ILO unemployment rates in Greater London by ethnic origin(persons aged 16 and over)
Average spring 1989–91 Per cent.
All origins1 7
White 7
Ethnic minority groups 13
West Indian/Guyanese 11
Indian 12
Pakistani/Bangladeshi 12
All others2 14
Source: Labour Force Surveys.
1 Includes those who did not state origin.
2 Includes those of mixed origin.