HL Deb 07 May 1992 vol 537 cc1-2WA
Lord Mancroft

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the outcome of the meeting of the European Transport Council on 26th and 27th March.

The Minister of State, Department of Transport (The Earl of Caithness)

The meeting of the Council of Transport Ministers was held in Brussels on 26th and 27th March. Lord Brabazon of Tara represented the United Kingdom on both days.

Agreement was reached on the aviation agreement with Norway and Sweden, based on Article 84(2) of the Treaty, extending the Community acquis to Norway and Sweden. The Council noted the progress made on the third package of aviation liberalisation measures, and discussed briefly a report from the Commission on aviation state aids. We stressed the importance we attached to firm Commission action on aviation state aids.

Although no agreement was reached on proposals for a definitive regime for road haulage cabotage, some progress was made towards agreement on road passenger cabotage, with proposals for a phased liberalisation of non-regular services and liberalisation of some limited cross-border regular services. It was agreed that the Commission should have further discussions with Switzerland and Austria on the implementation of the transit agreements.

Good progress was made towards reaching a final agreement on maritime cabotage, but a number of important elements of the package are still to be resolved.