HC Deb 16 March 1992 vol 205 c901W
Mr. Knox

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what has been the total spending by central Government on roads in Wales since 1979; and how many miles of motorway and trunk roads have been laid since that year.

Mr. Viggers

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what was the spending per capita on roads in Wales.

Sir John Farr

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what is the total value of road starts in Wales planned in the next two financial years.

Sir Wyn Roberts

Since 1979, total net spending by central Government on the roads programme in Wales is almost £2 billion; including £360 million transport grant. Twenty-two miles of motorway and 145 miles of trunk road have been completed. Seven schemes totalling almost 18 miles are presently under construction. Twenty-three local authority schemes are being sponsored by transport grant.

Total expenditure on roads in Wales per head of population in 1990–91 was £145.49.

Six major trunk road scheme starts are planned for 1992–93. The total cost of these schemes is estimated to be £204 million. Starts in 1993–94 have not yet been announced, but 20 schemes, costing £391 million, are indicated over the next three years in the 1992 supplement to roads in Wales published in February.