HC Deb 13 March 1992 vol 205 cc689-90W
Mr. Spearing

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what response he proposes to make to the representation by the London East training and enterprise council in appendix 3 to his evidence to the Employment Committee on 27 November House of Commons Paper 92-i—on the non-fulfilment of the training guarantee for 16 and 17-year-olds mentioned in paragraph 3.8 of Cm 1810 "People, Jobs and Opportunity".

Mr. Jackson

Our officials have been in regular contact with London East training and enterprise council (LETEC). As LETEC's evidence to the Employment Committee indicated, agreement was reached on two occasions on additional funds to enable LETEC to contract for more training places. The position on the supply of and demand for youth training continues to be closely monitored in east London as elsewhere. Under its contract with the TEC the Department stands ready to discuss any further measures that may be needed to ensure that the guarantee of the offer of a suitable training place to all unemployed 16 and 17-year-olds who want one is met.