HC Deb 13 March 1992 vol 205 c785W
Mr. Kirkwood

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) when he expects to be able to provide application forms to enable small scale fish processors to make applications for the derogation under article 14 of directive 91/493;

(2) if he will make a statement outlining the Government's position on the provisions of article 14 of EC directive 91/493 dealing with temporary relief from officially set health requirements as they affect small-scale fish processors until January 1996;

(3) whether member states are required to amend the existing provision of the Food Safety Acts to enable the derogation scheme under article 14 of directive 91/493 to proceed;

(4) what form of guidance his Department intends to provide to local environmental health officers to enable them to advise prospective applicants for derogations under article 14 of directive 91/493; and how soon he hopes to he able to provide it.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

Under article 14 of directive 91/493/EEC, the Commission is to submit a report to the Council on the minimum structural and equipment requirements to be met by small establishments which distribute on the local market and are situated in regions subject to particular supply constraints. It wil; be necessary to consider the Government's position on such matters once the Commission's proposals are seen. Meanwhile we have sought the views of the industry. It should not be necessary to amend existing United Kingdom legilsation to enable derogations under article 14 to be put in place should such derogations be agreed.