HC Deb 16 June 1992 vol 209 c441W
Mr. Meale

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many licences are currently issued to falconers; and what are the terms and conditions of the licences.

Mr. Maclean

To date, no licences have been issued to falconers this year. In 1991, 65 licences were issued in England, Scotland and Wales to fly birds of prey at blackbirds, skylarks, song thrushes, meadow pipits and black-headed gulls.

Licences are subject to conditions restricting them to the period 1 September to 28 February; imposing a limit of 50 on the number of quarry which may be killed; requiring that the bird of prey to which the licence refers is properly ringed and registered; and requiring that a return showing the birds killed be made by 31 March.

Mr. Meale

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what was the cost of supervision of falconers, including keeper's time, in the New Forest for 1991 and to date for 1992;

(2) how many animals and birds, and of which species, were taken by falconers in the New Forest in 1991 and to date in 1992.

Mr. Maclean

Licences issued to fly birds of prey at quarry do not require falconers to be supervised. No information is available on the costs of any local requirements that may apply in the New Forest.

Falconers' returns show only the total numbers of each bird species killed under licence; no details are available on the areas from which quarry is taken.