HC Deb 02 June 1992 vol 208 cc470-3W
Mr. Alfred Morris

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if she will list all the United Kingdom participants in the European Community Horizon programme and the nature of each project; and if she will make a statement.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

A total of 37 projects have been formally approved under the Horizon programme in Great Britain. Information relating to these projects has been extracted from individual applications and is given in the following table. This was correct at 22 May 1992.

A further 45 projects have been given approval in principle. These will receive formal approval once outstanding queries on financial and transnational aspects are resolved.

Brothers of Charity Lancashire To implement new techniques that identify economic sectors that are apt for vocational training and employment for people with a mental handicap.

Bilston Community College To provide training and support to a group of Special Needs Trainers from Greece who wish to develop training provision in Greece.

Lancashire County Council To develop a model programme of training for the physically disabled to enter the tourism industry.

Lancashire County Council To develop model programmes of training and supported employment for those with physical and mental disabilities which will promote their inclusion into society.

Brothers of Charity To provide training for open employment in horticulture/agriculture business for people with a mental handicap.

University of Nottingham To establish a model for the computer mediated training of disabled people in Information Technology skills for employment in business and commerce.

Manchester Council for Voluntary Services To support the creation of small business (Social Firms) providing an integrated work setting for people with mental distress.

Essex CDA To facilitate the progression from sheltered workshop to open employment for long term unemployed mentally disabled people aged 25 and over.

Richmond Fellowship London To offer an employment service to people with long term mental health problems and locate and develop appropriate training and employment opportunities.

Department of Adult Continuing Education University College Swansea To enable physically handicapped people to gain the necessary qualifications and skills to work in open employment. These skills are primarily in Information Technology.

Kent Social Services To enable people with severe learning and/or physical disabilities to gain access to the world of work by providing opportunities for vocational training, work experience, voluntary work and paid employment in ordinary workplaces.

Wheels For Change Clwyd The creation of employment and training opportunities for people who have multiple disabilities in the context of open integrated employment in two existing bicycle co-operatives.

Scottish Interactive Technology Centre Midlothian To develop a multi-media based (interactive video) training package to enable deaf people to acquire skills using computers, word processing, spreadsheet and databases.

WMCE Ltd. Berkshire To develop a training programme targeted at very long term unemployed persons with no relevant or obsolete skills.

Centre flit- Deaf Studies University al. Bristol The provision of modularised training programmes for sign language interpreters within a university framework.

Bradford and Ilkley Community College To develop models for training for disabled people; including those whose hearing is impaired; that will help them obtain employment in community education settings, including distance learning via satellite broadcasting and computer aided learning.

Hertfordshire College of Art and Design To devise training modules in specialised techniques using the arts within rehabilitation and training settings, particularly related to the transfer from institutional and community care.

The Cellar Project West Yorkshire A programme to give unemployed people disabled by long term psychiatric illness but capable of open employment the necessary vocational and social skills and work experience to make the transition from sheltered to open employment.

Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council To develop a flexible learning programme for people with learning difficulties to equip them with a range of skills suited to their individual capabilities.

Park Lane College West Yorkshire To provide vocational training leading to recognised qualifications and/or stable employment for long term unemployed people with both physical and sensory disabilities.

Brothers of Charity Lancashire To identify economic sectors apt for vocational training and employment for people with mental handicap. Employment placement and supported employment to lead to open employment for some individuals.

Edinburgh University Settlement To set up specialist training courses in Adult Basic Education and Art Therapy and make the transition from sheltered environments to mainstream education, training for vocational qualifications and open employment.

Swansea College To develop a course for mentally handicapped people which will enable them to find suitable employment within the local tourist industry.

Hammersmith & Fulham Association for Mental Health (MIND) To enable people who have experienced unemployment and who have a history of disabling mental health difficulties (psychiatric service users) to acquire and use practical work skills which will allow them to work flexibly as general handypersons.

Nriteal Mari Tyne & Wear To increase the skill levels of house-bound disabled people in modern technologies and offer NVQ's in order for them to compete effectively in the labour market.

Social Firms Initiative Berkshire To demonstrate that people with mental health problems can function efficiently and on a commercial basis when they are supported within the context of a Social Firm.

Subs Trust Avon To assist people who have experienced mental illness or emotional distress to make the best use of their work skills and abilities and secure employment with on-going support.

London Borough of Waltham Forest To integrate people with learning difficulties into open employment and demonstrate their potential if they are given the necessary support.

Outset West Midlands To deliver a training programme which facilities social and labour market integration for people with a mental illness who are returning to care in the community.

National Society for Epilepsy Buckinghamshire To provide young people with epilepsy with a specialised training service geared to their specific needs and problems, and thereby enhance their chances of securing employment.

Epilepsy Association of Scotland To improve the knowledge and skills of training personnel involved in the training of people with severe epilepsy to enable them to facilitate the transition of young people with epilepsy from the training situation to open employment.

Westminster Association for Mental Health To develop a programme of training and supervised work experience in computing and information technology leading to a recognised vocational qualification and employment opportunities for long term unemployed people aged 25+ with disabilities resulting from mental illness.

Scottish Association for Mental Health To provide improved access to the open labour market for people disabled by mental illness by developing small and medium sized enterprises and co-operatives and by making other business opportunities available to them.

Work-start Scotland Implementing new approaches to social and economic integration of long term unemployed people, and increase their job entry rate by increasing the quality of training.

Migrants Resource Centre London To prepare migrants and refugees through training and vocational guidance to enter into mainstream employment.

LAWTEC Lancashire To identify homeless people through a network of agencies and assess their needs, skills and aptitudes, and to arrange accommodation linked to appropriate training, employment and/or further education with ongoing counselling.

Bristol One-Parent Project To upgrade and develop the qualifications of lone parents by setting up pre-training courses in a supportive network, and assist re-entry into open employment by offering educational and career guidance, developing an information bank on childcare facilities and counselling and financial advice.

Mr. Alfred Morris

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is her estimate of receipts in the United Kingdom during the current year from the Horizon programme; what proportion this represents of total European Community expenditure on the programme; and if she will make a statement.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

The Horizon programme in Great Britain has received an allocation of 14.9 mecu£10.38 million—for the calendar years 1991–93. This represents 10.8 per cent. of the 162 mecu allocated to member states to date under Horizon by the European Commission.

Success rates for Employment Training and Youth Training leavers from East London Areas covered are London East TEC and residual TEED area office from April 1991 to July 1991 and East London area office from April 1990 to March 1991
Completed training per cent. Completers into work per cent. All leavers into work per cent. Completers into work as proportion of all leavers per cent.
Employment Training
April 1990 to March 1991 48 20 18 10
April 1991 to July 1991 54 12 13 5
Youth Training
April 1990 to March 1991 27 66 44 20
April 1991 to July 1991 28 n/a 39 22

Notes: n/a= numbers too small to give accurate proportions.

Mr. Cousins

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if she will list the size of the budget, and the number of training places funded in 1991–92 and projected for 1992–93 for each training and enterprise council.

Mr. McLoughlin

I refer the hon. Member to the answer that my predecessor gave to the then hon. Member for Langbaurgh on 3 February 1992 at columns32–33.

The budget allocations for training and enterprise councils (TECs) for 1992–93 are still subject to negotiation in some of the Department's training, enterprise and education directorate regions and therefore not yet available. Information regarding the number of training places funded is not available as TECs have contracted with local training providers on a training week basis.

England and Wales
Name Training and Enterprise Council Location
Nomix-Chipman Ltd. Avon
Brindon Ropes Ltd. Barnsley/Doncaster
Frizzell Financial Services Ltd. Dorset
Unilever Research Colworth Laboratory Bedfordshire
IDV UK Ltd. Essex
Woods of Colchester Ltd. Essex
Monsanto plc, Newport Gwent
Tulsa Holdings Gwent
Alternative Travel Group Heart of England
Sheerness Steel Company plc Kent
Elida Gibbs Ltd. Leeds
Yorkshire Bank plc Leeds
Pirelli Cables Ltd., Aberdare Mid Glamorgan

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