HC Deb 31 January 1992 vol 202 cc681-3W
Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what are the projected figures for those awaiting coronary artery by-pass surgery in Northern Ireland for(a) January 1993 and (b) January 1994, allowing for the arrival of a fourth cardiac surgeon commencing on 1 April 1992.

Mr. Hanley

These figures cannot be calculated accurately for a number of reasons. The numbers waiting at January 1993 and January 1994 will be influenced by a number of different factors:

  1. (a) the ability of the Royal Victoria hospital cardiac surgery unit to increase the number of operations carried out there;
  2. (b) the number of by-passes purchased for residents of Northern Ireland by the four health and social services boards from hospitals in the rest of the United Kingdom and;
  3. (c) the impact of the waiting time guarantee which will be included in the citizens charter shortly to be launched in Northern Ireland.

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for what reasons the target of 1,100 cardiac operations per year in Northern Ireland has not been achieved; and if he will indicate(a) when it will be achieved and (b) what plans he has to review that figure.

Mr. Hanley

The target of 1,100 cardiac operations per year was the figure recommended by Sir John Badenoch in his 1988 report as necessary to meet the Province's need for cardiac operations. Attainment of that figure has not been possible because of physical and staffing constraints at the Royal Victoria hospital. Additional cardiac recovery facilities have now been provided and the cardiac theatres have been upgraded. However, the Eastern health and social services board has experienced considerable difficulties in recruiting an additional cardiac surgeon. I understand a locum cardiac surgeon has been appointed for one year and is expected to take up post on 1 May 1992. It is not possible at this stage to say when the figure of 1,100 operations will be reached but it will include cardiac operations purchased for Northern Ireland residents from centres other than the RVH. The figure will be regularly reviewed by the Department of Health and Social Services in the light of assessed need and the latest developments in medical technology.

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many patients are awaiting their first appointment with a cardiac surgeon for assessment as to whether they are in need of cardiac surgery; and if these patients are counted as being on the waiting list for surgery.

Mr. Hanley

The information requested is not collected centrally.

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what official statements have been made by health board staff concerning the relative benefits of coronary artery by-pass surgery as to(a) improving the quality of life and (b) increasing the lifespan of patients.

Mr. Hanley

I am not aware of any official statements by health board staff in Northern Ireland on this subject.

Mr. McGrady

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many patients are currently on the waiting list for(a) cardiac surgery and (b) cataract operations at the Royal Victoria hospital; how long they have been waiting; and what were the comparable figures for January 1987.

Mr. Hanley

At 30 September 1991 the latest date for which waiting list information is available centrally, there were 991 patients on the cardiac surgery in-patient waiting list at the Royal Victoria hospital. I have set out the details of how long they have been waiting. Figures for 30 September 1986 (the closest date to January 1987 for which data are comparable) are also shown. The time bands are slightly different due to a change in the recording of waiting list data from 1 April 1988. The information requested on cataract operations is not available centrally.

Patients waiting for admission by time waiting at 30 September
Months Patients
0–2 125
3–5 81
6–8 78
9–11 68
12–23 168
24+ 471
Total 991
0–2 2
3–5 4
6–11 8
12–23 51
24+ 342
Total 407

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is the latest figure for those awaiting coronary artery by-pass surgery in Northern Ireland; and what was the figure in January 1991.

Mr. Hanley

I am advised by the Eastern health and social services board that at 30 November 1991 the latest date for which figures are available, there were 758 people in Northern Ireland waiting for coronary artery by-pass surgery. The information for January 1991 is not available.

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what steps are being taken to ensure that the necessary numbers of trained staff, backed by sufficient funds for their employment, will be made available to support a fourth cardiac surgeon in Northern Ireland.

Mr. Hanley

The funds for the recruitment of the necessary supporting staff have been made available to the Eastern health and social services board by the Department of Health and Social Services. Their appointment is a matter for the board.

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what plans the health boards have for purchasing additional operations outside Northern Ireland; and what safeguards will be incorporated to ensure quality and a smooth handover for follow-up care within Northern Ireland.

Mr. Hanley

The Western health and social services board has already contracted to purchase a number of cardiac surgery operations in hospitals in Great Britain. The Eastern health and social services board is planning to do so shortly. Detailed safeguards to ensure quality care for patients while in hospital in Great Britain are incorporated in the contracts and arrangements are being made to ensure continuity of care when they return to Northern Ireland.

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what evidence he has that physicians and cardiologists are not referring patients for coronary artery by-pass surgery due to the low possibility that the patient would be offered cardiac surgery within a time scale of two years.

Mr. Hanley

I have no evidence to support the hon. Gentleman's suggestion.