HC Deb 28 January 1992 vol 202 cc533-4W
Mr. Michael

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) what analysis he has made of the impact of recent redundancies in Bangor on(a) the local economy. (b) local families and communities and (c) the individuals directly affected;

  1. (2) what steps he has taken to provide training, job opportunities and other help to those recently made redundant in the Bangor area and others who are already unemployed in the area;
  2. (3) what analysis he made of the job opportunities available to the people recently made redundant in the Bangor area.

Mr. David Hunt

The Employment Service and the local training and enterprise council—Targed—will continue to offer advice to employees faced with redundancy on the range of support services available including retraining, job search and short courses to help those affected reassess their careers. The first tranche of redundant workers from Ferranti have all received counselling interviews and the results are being analysed by Targed. A comprehensive range of services to help longer-term unemployed back to work is also in place and Targed is targeting the employment training and enterprise action programmes on areas of high unemployment including the Bangor area.

In addition my Department, the Welsh Development Agency and other Government agencies operate a wide range of other measures aimed at combating unemployment. The Welsh Office and all the other bodies will continue to look for, and respond swiftly to, development opportunities that arise which have the potential to reduce unemployment.