HC Deb 20 January 1992 vol 202 cc44-6W

List of approved projects

  1. 1. Title
  2. 2. Description
  3. 3. Counterpart
  4. 4. Status
  5. 5. Total cost of KHF contribution

Small business creation

  1. 1. Mitaline Technology
  2. 2. Preparation of a training programme for use by Estonian Small Business Association
  3. 3. Estonian Small Business Association
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £4,820

Financial services

  1. 1. Ports privatisation conference
  2. 2. Director of Estonian Maritime Board to attend the conference
  3. 3. Estonian Maritime Board
  4. 45
  5. 4. Approved
  6. 5. £900
  1. 1. Transcend technology (Lithuania)
  2. 2. To provide assistance to the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of Lithuania to prepare individual state enterprises for privatisation
  3. 3. Association of Light Industries
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £9,800

Political and cultural

  1. 1. Restructuring MFAs
  2. 2. Senior retired UK diplomats on short attachments to Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. To advise on restructuring in a democratic society
  3. 3. Ministries of Foreign Affairs
  4. 4. Approved
  5. £15,000
  1. 1. Police training missions
  2. 2. Senior officers from Strathclyde police on short missions to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to advise on police training needs, restructuring etc.
  3. 3. Police authorities
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £20,000
  1. 1. Low-cost book scheme
  2. 2. Subsidies for text books for retailers and individuals in three Baltic states
  3. 3. International Book Development
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £66,000
  1. 1. Short-term scholarships
  2. 2. One year scholarships for postgraduates and young professionals in the three Baltics. Target areas economics, finance and management
  3. 3. —
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £120,000
  1. 1. Bradford Baltic unit
  2. 2. Attachment of students from the three Baltic states to the Baltic unit of Bradford university
  3. 3. Bradford university
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £70,900
  1. 1. Books for Parliaments
  2. 2. Provision of text books in key areas to libraries of Baltic Parliaments
  3. 3. Parliamentary libraries
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £15,000
  1. 1. Seminar for parliamentary librarians
  2. 2. Training seminar for parliamentary librarians from the three Baltic libraries
  3. 3. Parliamentary libraries
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £8,000
  1. 1. Legal attachments
  2. 2. Attachments of young lawyers from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to the Law Society of Scotland and Scottish legal practices
  3. 3. Law Societies
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £40,000
  1. 1. Legal Concepts for Translators
  2. 2. Training in legal concepts in English for translators attached to the Office of the Lithuanian Supreme Council
  3. 3. University of Edinburgh
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £10,000
  1. 1. TV training project
  2. 46
  3. 2. Assisting trainees from the three Baltic states in British TV production procedures
  4. 3. Soros Foundation
  5. 4. Approved
  6. 5. £26,000
  1. 1. Visit of Lithuanian MFA Deputy Chief of Protocol
  2. 2. Familiarisation Visit
  3. 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £2,000
  1. 1. Publisher training
  2. 2. Seminar on publishing and book trade in Lithuania
  3. 3. Open Society Foundation of Lithuania
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £30,000
  1. 1. Baltics Conference
  2. 2. Royal Institute of International Affairs conference on the re-integration of the Baltics into the world community
  3. 3. Governments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
  4. 4. Approved
  5. 5. £6,000


  1. 1. Banking, finance and privatisation mission
  2. 2. Short mission to Baltic republics to identify potential projects and terms of reference
  3. 3. Know-how fund adviser
  4. 4. Approved-December 1991
  5. 5. £11,000
  1. 1. Insurance mission
  2. 2. Short mission to the Baltics to identify potential projects and terms of reference
  3. 3. Know-how fund consultant
  4. 4. Approved—December 1991
  5. 5. £6,000
  1. 1. Energy audit mission
  2. 2. Assessment mission to Lithuania to prepare in cooperation with Lithuanian Ministry of Energy for national energy audit
  3. 3. Know-how fund consultant
  4. 4. Approved—October 1991
  5. 5. £3,500
  1. 1. Joint exchanges committee mission
  2. 2. To advise on setting up physical commodity exchange
  3. 3. Lithuanian authorities
  4. 4. Approved—October 1991
  5. 5. £4,000