§ Mr. CarrTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many self-employed people had incomes(a) below £3,000, (b) between £3,000 and £5,900, (c) between £5,900 and £15,000, (d) between £15,000 and £20,000, (e) between £20,000 and £25,000, (f) between £25,000 and £33,000,
Shareholdings1 in privatised and former Government-controlled companies Size of share register Company Date of privatisation Initial Highest since privatisation Current Proportion of shares retained by HMG Per cent. Proportion and dates of subsequent disposals British Petroleum 2December 1977 n.a. 621,159 (December 1988) 569,183 (31 December 1990) 51 35.17 per cent./November 1979: 7.12 per cent./September 1983: 31.5 per cent./September 1987:0.09 per cent/October 1990 on 1 January 1991 HMG held about 1.88 per cent. British Aerospace February 1981 27,179 120,200 (December 1986) 91,700 (31December 1990) 48.43 48.43 per cent./10 May 1985 Cable and Wireless October 1981 27,320 210,994 (31 March 1986) 166,179 (31 March 1990) 50.64 27.54 per cent./November 1983: 23.1 per./December 1985 Amersham International February 1982 10,051 8,601 (June 1982) 5,904 (31 May 1991) nil NFC February 1982 10,300 42,000 (October 1988) 60,000 (February 1992) nil Britoil November 1982 37,257 245,556 (31 December 1985) owned by BP 49 49 per cent./8 August 1985 Associated British Ports February 1983 37,205 12,321 (July 1989) 12,000 (31 December 1989) 48.5 48.5 per cent./17 April 1984 Enterprise Oil June 1984 13,695 14,166 (June 1985) 10,811 (31 December 1990) nil (g) between £33,000 and £40,000, (h) between £40,000 and £50,000 and (i) above £50,000 in 1990–91 and 1991–92.
§ Mr. MaudeEstimates, based on projections of information from 1989–90 are as follows:
Estimated numbers of taxpaying individuals with main source of income from self-employment Annual gross income1 Number in 1990–91 Number 1991–92 (£) (000s) (000s) 1- 3000 0 0 3,000- 5,900 340 280 5900-15000 1,500 1,490 15,000-20,000 350 410 20,000-25,000 180 200 25,000-33,000 150 180 33,000-40,000 70 80 40,000-50,000 60 70 Over 50,000 120 140 Total2 2,800 2,800 1 Income from all sources 2 To the nearest 100,000