§ Mr. BattleTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what was the number of right-to-buy applications received and registered by each local authority in England for(a) the year ended September 1991 and (b) the year ended September 1992;
(2) what was the number of sales completed by each local authority in England under right to buy for (a) the year ended September 1991 and (b) the year ended September 1992.
§ Sir George YoungInformation on right-to-buy applications and completed sales for each local authority708W in England is published in the quarterly publication "Local Housing Statistics". Estimates are for financial years, or parts of financial years. The July 1992 issue (No. 102) contains figures for the financial year 1990–91 (table 5B) and provisional information for 1991–92 (table 5A). Details for the first quarter of 1992–93 were given in table 5 of the October 1992 issue (No. 103). Updated information covering the first half of 1992–93 will be available in the new year. Corresponding estimates for the periods requested could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
§ Mr. BattleTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what is the proportion of(a) houses arid (b) flats sold to sitting tenants in England and Wales which have been repurchased by English and Welsh local authorities under housing defects legislation for each year since 1982;
(2) how many (a) houses and (b) flats sold to sitting tenants under the right to buy have been repurchased by English local authorities under housing defects legislation for each year since 1982.
§ Sir George YoungIn England 12,165 houses and flats have been repurchased under the legislation by local authorities, representing 1.1 per cent. of all sales by those local authorities under the right to buy to the end of June 1992. In Wales the corresponding figures are 467 and 0.5 per cent. The number of properties repurchased each year has been as follows:
(a) Houses (b) Flats England: 1984–85 78 1 1985–86 2,342 16 1986–87 2,550 30 1987–88 2,006 35 1988–89 1,674 14 1989–90 1,258 7 1990–91 1,306 11 1991–92 834 3 Wales: 1984–85 — — 1985–86 22 3 1986–87 90 — 1987–88 214 2 1988–89 63 1 1989–90 38 1 1990–91 17 1 1991–92 12 1 Source: Local authority returns
The available data on repurchases does not include the year in which the dwelling was purchased under the right to buy so it is not possible to calculate the proportions of each year's sales that have been repurchased.