HC Deb 04 December 1992 vol 215 c402W
Mr. Alison

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) if, in considering the future of the runway at the erstwhile RAF station at Elvington, near York, he will undertake to give first priority to potential purchasers representing recreational organisations;

(2) whether the disposal of the runway and flying facilities at the erstwhile RAF station at Elvington, near York, will be with, or without, flying rights;

(3) if he will list the potential alternative uses being considered for the runway at the erstwhile RAF station at Elvington, near York; and what consideration has been given to the practicality of the dismantling of the runway for the provision of construction infill;

(4) what proposals he has for retaining, or disposing of, the headquarters building and residential accommodation associated with the erstwhile RAF station at Elvington near York;

(5) what proposals are under consideration, or what decisions taken, for the future of all, or part, of the runway at the erstwhile RAF station at Elvington, near York.

Mr. Archie Hamilton

RAF Elvington ceased being a relief landing ground with effect from September 1992. My Department is currently examining whether there is an alternative defence use for all or part of the station. It is therefore too early to say what the possible future uses for RAF Elvington may be but, in keeping with our obligation to secure the best possible receipts from the sale of public assets, we would wish to explore all available options in consultation with the local authorities should the site become surplus to requirements.

Potential options indentified to date include the return of the airfield to agricultural use; its sale for outdoor recreational or flying purposes; and its use as a source of construction infill through the removal of the runway and hardstandings. Preliminary specialist advice in respect of the latter option has been sought. It is not possible to foreclose any option at this stage or to give priority to any particular use, either for the runway or the airfield as a whole. All relevant factors, including local aspirations and our own operational interests, would be assessed before decisions were taken on whether any disposal would be with or without flying rights.

There are no headquarters buildings or residential accommodation specifically associated with RAF Elvington although our requirement for facilities at RAF Church Fenton, which were previously used to support RAF Elvington, is currently 'being reviewed following the former's transition to relief landing ground status from April 1992.

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