HC Deb 01 December 1992 vol 215 c167W
Sir Nicholas Fairbairn

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the membership, responsibilities and achievements of the Historic Military Buildings Committee since its inception.

Mr. Archie Hamilton

The Historic Military Buildings Committee was formed in October 1987 and comprises members who are experts in their fields from both the private and public sectors. It is an advisory group and its terms of reference areTo consider issues concerning the upkeep of historic buildings on the Defence Estate; to consider the future of historic buildings on the Defence Estate for which there is no current defence use; and to advise on ways in which they might be preserved, either through a new defence use or through disposal in a manner sympathetic to their character". The committee has provided advice on a number of individual sites as well as advising on more general issues such as maintenance of historic buildings. Current membership is:

  • Viscount Cranborne—Under Secretary of State for Defence.
  • Professor W. Whitfield—Architect, William Whitfield and Partners and Commissioner, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission.
  • Mr. S. A. Lipton—Chief Executive, Stanhope Properties Plc.
  • Dr. J. R. B. Taylor—Architect and Research Consultant.
  • Head of London Region, English Heritage.
  • Head of Heritage Division, Department of the Environment.
  • Director General of Design Services and Adviser on Architectural Matters, Department of the Environment.
  • Head of Infrastructure and Logistics (Infrastructure), Ministry of Defence.
  • Head of Defence Lands Service, Ministry of Defence.

Additional representatives from within the Ministry of Defence attend as required.