HC Deb 21 October 1991 vol 196 c370W
Mr. Gwilym Jones

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how much the revenue and capital spending of South Glamorgan health authority was in 1979 and at the latest available date in cash terns and in real terms.

Mr. Nicholas Bennett.

The information requested is as follows:

South Glamorgan Health Authority
Outturn expenditure (£'000) 1Expenditure at constant 1990–91 prices (£'000) Percentage increase
1979–80 70,655 152,766
1990–911 199,928 199,928 31
1979–80 2,092 4,523
1990–911 15,673 15,673 247
1 Provisional


Health authority annual accounts

Outturn prices adjusted by the "gross domestic product" inflator


1. Expenditure given in accruals rather than cash terms as this is more representative of the real level of spending incurred in each of the respective years.

2. Pattern of expenditure as between years can be affected by virement between revenue and capital, the incidence of capital receipts brokerage with other authorities and other non-recurrent factors.