HC Deb 21 October 1991 vol 196 cc389-90W
Mr. Hunter

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment in the light of experience in other areas of high development, what measures he proposes to take to ensure that any development of the east Thames corridor has adequate strategic transport infrastructure.

Mr. Yeo

[holding answer 18 October 1991]: My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment has announced his intention to commission consultants to make an appraisal of the development capacity of the east Thames corridor. They will also consider the transport implications. The consultant's findings will be considered in close liaison with the Department of Transport.

Mr. Hunter

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he proposes to allow planning authorities in the south of England to revise their structure or local plans during the 1990s if there should be significant additional housebuilding in the east Thames corridor.

Mr. Yeo

[holding answer 18 October 1991]: Local planning authorities revise their structure and local plans when they consider it appropriate to do so. Those plans need to conform with the current regional guidance.

Mr. Hunter

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the scope of the study which he proposes to commission into the development possibilities of the east Thames corridor.

Mr. Yeo

[holding answer 18 October 1991]: The proposed terms of reference for the consultant's study of the east Thames corridor have been published and I am placing a copy in the Library.

Mr. Hunter

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what consideration he will give to representations about the desirability of development in the east Thames corridor from local authorities and planning bodies not directly affected by any such development.

Mr. Yeo

[holding answer 18 October 1991]: SERPLAN, which represents all the local planning authorities in the south-east region, has already made representations about the desirability of development in the east Thames corridor. The development capacity of the corridor will now be considered by consultants. In due course my right hon. Friend will issue draft revised regional planning guidance on which there will be full consultation.

Mr. Hunter

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what is his policy regarding development in the east Thames corridor on open sites not currently earmarked for development in local plans.

Mr. Yeo

[holding answer 18 October 1991]: It is for the local planning authorities concerned to consider, in the first instance, any proposal for development on open sites in the east Thames corridor not currently earmarked for development in local plans. In doing so they will have regard to national planning policy guidance, regional guidance, relevant policies in structure and local plans, for example on the green belt, and any other material considerations.

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