HC Deb 29 November 1991 vol 199 cc664-5W
Mr. Hunter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to which United Kingdom companies money under the aid and trade provision has already been allocated in the current financial year.

Mrs. Chalker

Aid agreements involving aid and trade provision funds have been concluded with Governments of developing countries in the current financial year for projects for which the following companies are lead United Kingdom contractors.

Country Project Lead United Kingdom company
China Cotton mill machinery Platt Saco Lowell
China Duck processing unit APV Baker
China Shanghai telephone equipment GPT International
China Xinjiang ethylene plant Snamprogetti
China Yue Yang power station training GEC Alsthom Turbine Generators
Ghana Fifth power project Hawker Siddeley Power Engineering
Ghana Kotoka airport Siemens Plessey Radar
Indonesia Airport security systems International Aeradio
Indonesia Flight simulator Aeronautical Systems Designers
Indonesia Jambi diesels Mirrlees Blackstone
Indonesia Steel bridging phase II Mabey & Johnson
Indonesia Toll road design study phase II Trafalgar House
Indonesia Western universities equipment Gallenkamp & Phillip Harris
Malaysia Pergau hydro electric Balfaur Beatty Construction
Philippines Small islands electrification Phases II and III Dale Electric
Turkey Equipment for Turkish state Universities Tecquipment

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