HC Deb 26 November 1991 vol 199 cc451-2W
Mrs. Mahon

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what aid is being given to, or is under consideration for. Ethiopia in(a) getting relief aid to those in need, (b) stimulating food production and (c) respect for human rights.

Mrs. Chalker

Including our share of EC assistance we have committed £53 million emergency aid to Ethiopia since September 1990. Our aid includes £6.2 million for road transport, airlifts and other infrastructure essential for getting relief to the needy.

We are financing the following projects aimed at stimulating food production.

Project/Programme Description/Aims
Teff Research Collaborative research to improve varieties of Teff.
Rainfall Monitoring Rainfall and crop development estimation and monitoring systems.
Sidamo Rangelands Improved food security for ten local communities in South Sidamo; managed by CARE.
Koisha Rural Development Increase food production and strengthen rural economy in Koisha region of Sidamo; managed by SOS-Sahel.
Land Use—Western Hararghe Introduce sustainable system of land use for 17,000 families in Western Hararghe; managed by CARE.
Dairy Goat Project Increase rural incomes by improving the productivity of dairy goats managed by women; managed by FARM Africa.
Projects funded under the Joint Funding Scheme
Action Aid (Small Scale Seed Production) Develop economically viable and sustainable small scale seed enterprises.
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (Rural Development) To increase productive capacity of land.
OXFAM (Delanta Agriculture) To promote post drought agricultural rehabilitation and prevent environmental degradation of the land.
OXFAM (Hararghe Agricultural) Construct a new seed store and to replace seed stocks lost in the drought.
Projects funded under emergency relief aid
Christian Aid Agricultural tools for Ethiopia.

We have made clear to the Ethiopians the importance we attach to respect for human rights. We are considering what help we might give for this and other aspects of good government.

Mrs. Mahon

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the current level of aid to Ethiopia; what was the level in each of the last 10 years at current prices; and what plans he has to increase the level of aid before 1993.

Mrs. Chalker

In 1991 we have committed over £26 million bilateral emergency assistance to Ethiopia including 79,000 tonnes of food. We expect to continue to respond generously to meet emergency needs. Our development programme for 1991 is worth about £3.5 million.

Between 1981 and 1990 the United Kingdom provided bilateral aid—development and emergency assistance—to Ethiopia as follows:

Year Total (£,000) Total at constant 1990 prices (£,000)
1981 563 941
1982 5,645 8,769
1983 3,433 5,068
1984 7,004 9,884
1985 28,058 37,446
1986 9,627 12,409
1987 8,552 11,399
1988 18,544 21,324
1989 11,691 12,570
1990 20,042 20,042

As to future levels of development aid, I refer to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for Newcastle upon Tyne, Central (Mr. Cousins) on 25 November, at column 388.

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