HC Deb 11 November 1991 vol 198 cc333-5W
Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what comparisons he has undertaken between the amount of revenue income attributable to the proposed King's Cross low-level international station from high-speed rail link services approaching via Stratford East, and those approaching from the previously proposed link from the south.

Mr. Freeman

The low-level station at King's Cross was treated by British Rail in its comparative study of routes for a high-speed rail link as an integral part of those routes in which it featured. British Rail's comparative estimates of the revenues obtainable from the traffic forecast for each of the routes is shown in its route comparison report, a copy of which is in the Library. In deciding their preferred route the Government took account of all the relevant considerations, including regional planning. the environmental impact, and the effect on property, as well as transport objectives.

Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport within what time range he expects the high-speed rail link from the channel tunnel to be(a) completed and (b) connected to the proposed low-level station at King's Cross.

Mr. Freeman

It is too soon to say. No decision has yet been made on when construction may start.

Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) whether the proposed rail link from Stratford to King's Cross will be designed to be able to take freight services;

(2) whether he has yet received any proposals from British Rail for the use of the proposed rail link from Stratford to King's Cross for freight services.

Mr. Freeman

Further consideration has to be given to the implications of the proposed new line for freight. But if it were to be designed to be able to be used for freight, it seems unlikely that freight trains would run on the section between Stratford and King's Cross.

Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) within what range of real rates of return British Rail's revenue projections for the proposed international low-level station at King's Cross lie;

(2) whether British Rail's proposals for the European passenger services component of the financing of the proposed international station at King's Cross envisage the involvement of any Government financial support; and whether British Rail is seeking any capital grant for the new Kent express or Thameslink components of the financing of the station;

(3) what updated appraisal he has received from British Rail of its proposals for financing the works covered by the King's Cross Railways Bill following his decision that the high-speed rail link should come to King's Cross via Stratford.

Mr. Freeman

The Department has not yet received British Rail's detailed financial appraisal for the proposed King's Cross terminal.

International passenger services using the station will be subject to the terms of section 42 of the Channel Tunnel Act 1987, so they will have to cover the part of the station costs properly attributable to them out of commercial revenue.

Network SouthEast is in principle eligible to receive capital grant in recognition of benefits of projects to non-users. British Rail has not sought such a grant so far in respect of the element of the cost of the proposed works at King's Cross relating to commuter services.

Dame Peggy Fenner

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) when the Ove Arup original consultation team will be able to visit the Medway constituency to continue discussions on the precise location of the route;

(2) if he will meet constituents of the hon. Member for Medway to discuss their requirement that the channel tunnel rail link Medway crossing should be positioned as closely as possible to the present crossing;

(3) if the Government will publish the precise details of the channel tunnel rail link route through the Medway constituency.

Mr. Freeman

The route originally proposed by Ove Arup, and developed further in conjuction with British Rail, will now be refined over the next few months. It will be published once sufficient details are available to form the basis of the public consultation process that BR will lead. There will then be ample opportunity for any concerns to be aired about the alignment of the route and how best to limit its environmental impact. Only after this will the plans be finalised.

Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what proposals he has received from British Rail in furtherance of the implementation of its proposals in "International Rail Services for the United Kingdom" of 1989 to run 11 services per day from different places beyond London;

(2) what proposals he has received from British Rail for the provision of the rolling stock it aims to obtain for the channel tunnel rail link services to run through-trains beyond London.

Mr. Freeman

Since 1989 investment proposals have been approved by the Government for various infrastructure works which are under way. We are considering proposals for the day trains. Orders for the night rolling stock depend on the outcome of British Rail's negotiations with their continental railway partners. British Rail's initial plans and requirements for rolling stock are not affected by the Government's recent decision on the rail link.

Dame Peggy Fenner

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport whether the Ove Arup route now adopted for the channel link deviates in any way from that discussed with Ove Arup and the local communities.

Mr. Freeman

The supplementary note to British Rail's document "Rail Link Project: Comparison of routes: Report to British Railways Board, May 1991", a copy of which is in the Library, explains two late changes which Ove Arup introduced to its proposed route. These were summarised in letters which my right hon. and learned Friend's office sent to my hon. Friends the Members for Medway (Dame P. Fenner) and for Dartford (Mr. Dunn) on 14 October, and were reflected in the outline route map published by the Department.

Sir John Stanley

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he will be lifting his safeguarding directions covering the section of the previous British Rail preferred route for the channel tunnel rail link between Detling and Malling.

Mr. Freeman

My right hon. and leaned Friend made a direction on 5 November 1991 to the local authorities concerned. This varies the present safeguarding directions for the channel tunnel rail link in Kent so that these no longer apply to the west of the A249 at Detling.

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