HL Deb 02 May 1991 vol 528 c36WA
Lord Evans of Claughton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why the income support benefits payable to widowed fathers with children are subject to means-testing and earnings limitation, while the widowed mother's allowance is subject to neither.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Social Security (Lord Henley)

Widowed fathers are entitled to income support in the same way as any other single parent. Income support is an income-related benefit funded out of general taxation and is intended for day-to-day living expenses. Any income, including earnings, which is available for that same purpose is normally taken into account in deciding entitlement to benefit. The first 1 5 of a single parent's earnings is disregarded in income support.

Widowed mother's allowance is a contributory benefit based on the late husband's contribution record. As such, it is not income-related nor is it subject to earnings limitation.