HC Deb 01 May 1991 vol 190 cc190-1W
Mr. John Marshall

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will publish in theOfficial Report a statement of forthcoming business in the European Community Council of Ministers.

Mr. Garel-Jones

The Internal Market Council will meet on 13 May and Ministers will continue discussion of the Commission's proposed programme of work on trans-European networks. There is a possibility of agreement to free outstanding directives on the weights and dimensions of vehicles. Ministers may discuss a draft Directive on insurance company accounts and the second directive on diplomas.

The Foreign Affairs Council will meet on 13–14 May. Ministers will review progress on negotiating a European Economic area with the EFTA countries and may meet their EFTA counterparts in the margins to discuss this. Ministers may consider the Commission's proposals for possible future association arrangements between the Community and its overseas countries and territories, OCTs. Ministers might discuss whether non-European states should participate in the energy charter and review EC-Japan relations including the question of Japanese car exports. Ministers will also consider a report on the possible extension of European Investment bank activities. There will also be a Ministerial session of the inter-governmental conference on political union on 13 and 14 May which will continue examination of the proposals made by the presidency.

The Agriculture Council will meet on 21 and 22 May and Ministers will discuss the 1991 agriculture price fixing proposals, the agricultural aspects of the GATT Uruguay round, bivalve molluscs, and fish hygiene. Ministers may also discuss third country veterinary checks, health rules governing fresh meat, the marketing of EEC accepted plant protection products, milk quotas, food quality designations and organic production standards.

The Development Council will meet on the 27 May and Ministers might discuss the implementation of the pilot phase of the EC investment partners facility for Latin America, Asia and the Mediterranean and consider a Commission proposal for its continuation. Ministers are expected to adopt conclusions on the Community programme for co-financing projects in developing countries with non-governmental organisations and on the use of the counterpart funds resulting from general import programmes and food aid by the governments of developing countries. Ministers may discuss a Commission paper setting out guidelines for the Community and member states concerning the relationship between development cooperation policy, the promotion and defence of human rights, and support for the democratic process in all developing countries.

The Energy Council will meet on 31 May and Ministers are expected to adopt the gas transit directive and will give consideration to proposals on oil crises measures and contingency oil stocks, specific action for vigorous energy efficiency and hot water boilers. Minister may also discuss the proposed energy charter for the development of a pan-European free market in energy.