HC Deb 20 March 1991 vol 188 cc162-3W
Mr. Maxton

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what is his estimate of the percentage of United Kingdom inward investment projects going to(a) Wales, (b) Scotland and (c) the north-east, both as a percentage of total projects and in terms of numbers of jobs promised in the periods (i) June 1987 to the most recently available date and (ii) January 1989 to the most recently available date.

Mr. Leigh

The table sets out the number of investment decisions known to the Invest in Britain Bureau from 1 July 1987 to 31 December 1990 and from 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1990 for Scotland, Wales and the north-east. The numbers of jobs expected to be created from such projects and the percentage share of both projects and jobs as part of the total for the United Kingdom as a whole is also given.

The decisions recorded include the establishment of new business, expansion or acquisition of an existing business and involvement in joint venture. The figures are

Table showing numbers of inward investment projects and associated created jobs for certain regions over specified time periods, and their respective percentage share of the overall inward investment figures for the United Kingdom
Region Number of projects Percentage of all United Kingdom projects Number of jobs created3 Percentage of jobs created
1987–901 151 12.9 22,484 22.9
1989–902 73 10.8 14,298 24 .8
1987–901 192 16.4 14,114 14.4
1989–902 114 16.9 6,330 11.0
North East
1987–901 120 10.2 11,320 11.5
1989–902 88 13.0 7,049 12.2
11 July 1987 to 31 December 1990.
21 January 1989 to 31 December 1990.
3Created jobs are those jobs that the inward investor anticipates will be created by the project over the next three years.