HC Deb 14 June 1991 vol 192 cc682-3W
Mr. Kaufman

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list those countries, and the towns or cities in these countries, where Overseas Development Administration work is sub-contracted to the British Council.

Mrs. Chalker

The ODA has engaged the British Council to act as its agent in providing certain services in 106 countries. These services are normally available in the main towns and cities of these countries, which are as follows:

Algeria Liberia
Angola Madagascar
Anguilla Malawi
Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia
Bangladesh Maldives
Barbados Mali
Belize Malta
Benin Mauritania
Bhutan Mauritius

Bolivia Mexico
Botswana Montserrat
Brazil Morocco
British Virgin Islands Mozambique
Burkino Faso Namibia
Burundi Nepal
Cameroon Nicaragua
Cape Verde Niger
Central African Republic Nigeria
Chad Oman
Chile Pakistan
China Panama
Colombia Papua New Guinea
Congo Paraguay
Costa Rica Peru
Cote d'lvoire Philippines
Cyprus Republic of Yemen
Djibouti Rwanda
Dominica Senegal
Dominican Republic Seychelles
Equador Sierra Leone
Egypt Solomon Islands
El Salvador Somalia
Ethiopia South Africa
Falkland Islands Sri Lanka
Fiji St. Helena and Tristan Da Cunha
Gabon St. Kitts/Nevis
Gambia St. Lucia
Ghana St. Vincent
Gibraltar Sudan
Grenada Swaziland
Guatemala Tanzania
Guinea Thailand
Guinea Bissau Togo
Guyana Tonga
Haiti Tunisia
Honduras Turkey
India Turks and Caicos Islands
Indonesia Tuvalu
Jamaica Uganda
Jordan Vanuatu
Kenya Zaire
Kiribati Zambia
Lesotho Zimbabwe

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