HC Deb 13 June 1991 vol 192 c665W
Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what response he has made to the chief adjudication officer's complaint, in his annual report for 1989–90, regarding the failure of presenting officers to attend social security appeal tribunal hearings.

Mr. Scott

The chief adjudication officer made no formal recommendation in his report about non-attendance by presenting officers at tribunal hearings and I have not made a response to him on this point.

The Benefits Agency makes every effort to ensure that a presenting officer attends every tribunal hearing. Non-attendance is not a widespread problem and existing liaison arrangements with the office of the president of social security appeal tribunals provide the opportunity to resolve any difficulties which may arise.

Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security whether he will arrange for information to be collected on the number of social security appeal tribunal hearings at which, and the reasons why, there is no presenting officer.

Mr. Scott

We have no plans to collect such information.