HC Deb 25 July 1991 vol 195 c791W
Mr. Faulds

To ask the Minister for the Arts whether he will specify the allocations made to public institutions in the United Kingdom, during the half-year ended 30 June, of individual works of art and museum objects

Item To whom allocated Conditions/ wishes expressed
East Anglian collection of paintings and George III Cabinet Norwich Castle Museum Conditional
Two paintings by Nasmyth University of Manchester—Whitworth Art Gallery Conditional
Painting by Sickert Tate Gallery Wish to go to Tate Gallery
Collection of works by and relating to John Piper Wolverhampton Museum and Art Gallery Wish to go to Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Four Old Master drawings National Galleries of Scotland Conditional
Portrait of Charles Hope by Raeburn National Galleries of Scotland Conditional
Stamp Collection British Library Wish to go to the British Library
Collection of photographs by and of Cecil Beaton National Portrait Gallery Conditional
Portrait attributed to Reynolds National Galleries of Scotland—to remain in situ in Paxton House, Berwickshire Conditional
Items awaiting allocation Date of acceptance
*Portrait by Beechey 20 April 1990
*Painting by Lucas de Heere 20 April 1990
*Two portraits by Gainsborough, one by Rubens and a landscape by Seghers 20 April 1990
Portrait of Professor Hill by Raeburn 12 March 1991
Harpsichord by Burkat Shudi 12 March 1991
Collection of drawings by Runciman 26 April 1991
Papers of George Bellas Greenough 26 April 1991
Whistler watercolour 26 April 1991
Collection of musical instruments 26 April 1991

Note: The three offers marked* were omitted, in error, from the answer given to the hon. Member for Warley, East on 21 January 1991 at column 9.

Press notices have already been issued announcing the acceptance of all these items and the allocations that have been made to date.