HC Deb 19 July 1991 vol 195 cc296-300W
Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) if he will list the names of all governors so far appointed to Bacon CTC, and the dates of their appointments;

(2) when he approved the articles of government for Bacon CTC; and if he will place a copy in the Library.

Mr. Eggar

My right hon. and learned Friend has received a revised version of the memorandum and articles of association of the college for his agreement: when agreed it will be placed in the Library. Governors have not yet been appointed.

Ms. Ruddock

To ask the Secretary of Slate for Education and Science (1) at what per pupil rate, for pupils(a) under and (b) over school leaving age he has agreed to pay annual per capita grant to city technology colleges (i) in and (ii) outside London for the 1991–92 academic year;

(2) what is the estimated or final amount of (a) annual per capita grant and (b) earmarked annual grant he has agreed to pay to each city technology college for the 1991–92 academic year;

(3) for how many pupils (a) under the (b) over school leaving age he has agreed to provide funding at each city

Recurrent funding of existing CTCs—academic year 1991–92
College (1990–91 prices) Academic Year 1991–92 (1991–92 prices At full capacity (1991–92 prices)
Basic APG Weighted APG Pupils Numbers APG EAG Total recurrent costs Unit costs per pupil Pupils Numbers Unit costs per pupil1
£ £ £ million £ million £ million £ £
Kingshurst 2,075 2,300 USLA 720 2.451 0.234 2.685 2,918 USLA 900 2,709
(Opened September 1988) OSLA 200 OSLA 200
Teesside 2,075 2,300 USLA 552 1.751 0.168 1.919 3,476 USLA 900 2,700
(Opened September 1989) OSLA OSLA 200
Nottingham 2,075 2,280 USLA 506 1.852 0.177 2.029 3,320 USLA 835 2,678
(Opened September 1989) OSLA 105 OSLA 165
Bradford 2,075 2,365 USLA 430 1.510 0.154 1.664 3,869 USLA 750 2,798
(Opened Septemberr 1990) OSLA OSLA 230
Harris 2,345 2,600 USLA 798 2.954 0.207 3.161 3,563 USLA 900 3,016
(Croydon) OSLA 89 OSLA 200
(Opened September 1990)
Dartford 2,105 2,305 USLA 840 2.764 0.237 3.001 3,093 USLA 1,050 2,697
(Opened September 1990) OSLA 130 OSLA 200
Gateshead 2,075 2,285 USLA 300 1.217 0.123 1.340 4,466 USLA 750 2,678
(Opened September 1990) OSLA OSLA 150
Opening September 1991
Britschool 2,345 3,050 USLA 120 1.345 0.191 1.536 5,120 USLA 360 3,567
(Croydon) OSLA 180 OSLA 360
Bacons 2,845 3,155 USLA 900 3.395 0.338 3.733 3,971 USLA 900 3,668
(Surrey Quays) OSLA 40 OSLA 200
Haberdashers 2,845 3,155 USLA 900 3.833 0.361 4.194 3,812 USLA 900 3,657
(Lewisham) OSLA 200 OSLA 200
Telford 2,075 2,275 USLA 168 1.211 0.220 1.431 5,770 USLA 840 2,667
OSLA 80 OSLA 160
Corby 2,075 2,285 USLA 210 1.234 0.208 1.442 5,059 USLA 750 2,678
OSLA 75 OSLA 150
Wandsworth 2,845 3,270 USLA 300 1.622 0.219 1.841 6,136 USLA 750 3,789
1 The unit cost at full capacity (see column 10) assumes recurrent funding at constant financial year 1991–92 prices.


  1. 1. The per capita grant is enhanced in the early years, but on a progressively diminishing basis as student numbers build-up, to recompense the CTC for the abnormal costs in the start-up period. The unit cost in the early years before reaching full pupil capacity is therefore higher than that applying in schools which are full.
  2. 2. The amount paid to USLA and OSLA pupils in any particular year during the build-up period is the same. This is based upon the planned mix of pupils under school leaving age (USLA) and over school leaving age (OSLA) at full capacity—see weighted APG at column 3.

technology college during the 1991–92 academic year; and what is the total number of pupils in these age groups planned for each city technology college when it becomes fully operational.

Mr. Eggar

The amount of recurrent grant available to each established city technology college in the 1991–92 academic year has yet to be finalised. However, provisional figures at financial year 1991–92 prices, derived from actual LEA out-turn expenditure in financial year 1988–89, the latest year for which this information is available, has been made available to these colleges. The information that the hon. member requested is based on these provisional figures and is as follows:

Mr. Fatchett

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) if he will set out the additional revenue related to start-up costs, for each of the city technology colleges;

(2) if he will set out the sum allowed for central administration in the budget of each of the city technology colleges, and the calculation behind the sum in each case;

(3) if he will set out (a) the revenue costs per pupil, for the current year, of each of the existing city technological colleges, and (b) the basis of the calculation for the revenue costs in each case.

Ms. Ruddock

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science, pursuant to his reply of 31 October 1990,Official Report, columns 517–18, at what per pupil rate, for pupils (a) under and (b) over school leaving age, annual capitation grant has been paid during the 1990–91 academic year to city technology colleges operating in the London area; and what has been the total amount of annual per capita grant paid to each of these colleges for this year.

Recurrent funding of existing CTCs—academic year 1990–91
College Academic Year 1990–91 At full capacity
Basic APG Weighted APG Pupils Numbers APG EAG Total recurrent costs Unit costs per pupil Pupils Numbers Unit costs per pupil1
£ £ £ million £ million £ million £ £
Kingshurst 2,075 2,300 USLA 540 1.900 0.195 2.095 3,036 USLA 900 2,459
OSLA 150 OSLA 200
Teesside 2,075 2,300 USLA 372 1.288 0.137 1.425 3,830 USLA 900 2,450
Nottingham 2,075 2,280 USLA 336 1.387 0.142 1.529 3,940 USLA 835 2,430
OSLA 52 OSLA 165
Bradford 2,075 2,365 USLA 180 0.975 0.200 1.175 6,527 USLA 750 2,540
Harris 2,345 2,600 USLA 744 2.671 0.281 2.952 3,899 USLA 900 2,736
OSLA 13 OSLA 200
Dartford 2,105 2,305 USLA 825 2.543 0.326 2.869 3,173 USLA 1,050 2,448
OSLA 79 OSLA 200
Gateshead 2,075 2,285 USLA 150 0.900 0.181 1.081 7,206 USLA 750 2,430
1 The unit cost at full capacity (see column 10) assumes recurrent funding at constant 1990–91 prices.


  1. 1. The per capita grant is enhanced in the early years, but on a progressively diminishing basis as student numbers build-up, to recompense the CTC for the abnormal costs in the start-up period. The unit cost in the early years before reaching full pupil capacity is therefore higher than that applying in schools which are full.
  2. 2. The weighted APG at column 3 is based upon the planned mix of pupils under school leaving age (USLA) and over school leaving age (OSLA) at full capacity.

Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science, pursuant to his answer of 26 June,Official Report, columns 466–67, to the hon. Member for Leeds, Central (Mr. Fatchett), if he has yet reached a decision as to whether any redundancy payments are to be made to teaching and non-teaching staff at Bacon Church of England secondary school who have not been offered equivalent employment at the new Bacon city technology college.

Mr. Eggar

I have nothing to add to the reply that I gave to the hon. Member for Leeds, Central (Mr. Fatchett) on 26 June 1991 at columns466–67.

Mr. Eggar

The table sets out the recurrent grant available to each of the existing city technology colleges in the current academic year. The grants comprise an annual per capita grant (APG) in respect of each pupil; and earmarked annual grants (EAG) covering initial stocks of consumables and IT software, and continuing requirements for school meals, pupil support and INSET. The basic per capita grant this year is £2,075 for pupils under school leaving age, and is weighted in respect of those pupils over school leaving age. It is derived from actual LEA out-turn expenditure in financial year 1988–89, the latest year for which such information is available. An allowance of 7 per cent. has been added to the LEA figure to cover central administration costs, and the figure is repriced to 1990–91 values.

Provision is made within annual per capital grant for diseconomies of scale during college's start-up period, reflecting good practice in respect of new schools within the LEA maintained sector. The annual per capital grant for colleges in the London area contains a further enhancement to reflect necessarily higher operating costs.

Ms. Ruddock

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what advice he has issued on admissions policy for city technology colleges in respect of admission of siblings.

Mr. Eggar

None. It is for colleges to determine such details of admission procedures in accordance with funding agreement requirements.