HC Deb 18 July 1991 vol 195 cc263-4W
Sir Michael Marshall

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what estimate his Department has made of the proposed implementation of the full freedom of movement in 1992 on the number of asylum seekers entering the United Kingdom.

Name First appointed Date of last re-appointment (where applicable) Length of current appointment Other positions held
Mr. Norman Ward-Jones, CBE, VRD, JP
(Member) 1 March 1984
(Chairman) 1 March 1986 1 July 1989 3 years Solicitor and Magistrate
Lady Ibbs JP 1 December 1985 1 December 1990 1 year Magistrate: formerly Chairman of the Betting and Gaming Licensing Committee of the South Westminster Justices
Mr. Michael Hogan 6 October 1986 1 October 1988 3 years Former Secretary of the Board
Mr. William Kirkpatrick JP 1 January 1991 2 years Chairman of Findlaters, Mackie and Todd plc
Sir Richard Barratt, CBE, QPM 1 July 1991 2 years Formerly Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary

Mr. Hogan will serve a further three years when his current appointment expires on 30 September 1991.

Mr. Peter Lloyd

There is no necessary linkage between the introduction of the single European market and numbers of asylum seekers coming to the United Kingdom. We intend to maintain immigration controls at the frontier on nationals of non-European Community countries.