HC Deb 09 July 1991 vol 194 cc346-7W
Mr. McAllion

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) how many responses were received to the recently published consultation document "The Future of the Careers Service"; and if he will place copies of these responses in the Library;

(2) how many responses which he received on the consultation paper "The Future of the Careers Service" favoured (a) local enterprise companies acquiring full responsibility for providing the service, (b) education/ business partnerships becoming responsible, (c) the service being contracted out through competitive tender and (d) the service continuing to be run by the education authorities.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

Sixty-one responses were received up to 5 July. Of these seven supported the provision of the careers service through local enterprise companies; 23 favoured some form of partnership; two saw merit in contracting out and 29 suggested a continuation of the current arrangements. Some further responses are expected.

Copies of all responses received are being placed in the Library.

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