HC Deb 30 January 1991 vol 184 c549W
Sir Ian Gilmour

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security, further to his reply to the hon. Member for Derbyshire, North-East (Mr. Barnes) of 13 December 1990,Official Report, columns 501–4, on the numbers of people receiving invalidity benefit, what factors are responsible for the assessment he has made of the increase in the number of claimants from 1980 to 1990.

Mr. Scott

Recent research has shown a number of reasons which may have influenced the increase in numbers receiving invalidity benefit, but none is conclusive. In the main, increases seem to be due to people staying on invalidity benefit longer. For some illnesses—for example, those of the circulatory system, including heart diseases—life expectancy has increased. In addition, more women have become entitled to receive invalidity benefit because most now pay full rate contributions rather than the married women's reduced rate. Unemployment may also be a factor; when jobs are more scarce people with disabilities or poor general health may find it harder to obtain employment.

The Department is currently planning further research into this question.

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