HL Deb 23 January 1991 vol 525 c10WA
Lord Rodney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they propose to take to protect the pensions of local government employees who are called up for service as reservists during the present crisis.

Baroness Blatch

The Department of the Environment has today gone out to consultation on amendments to the local government superannuation scheme designed to preserve full superannuation rights for any local government employee serving as a reservist. They would apply retrospectively with effect from 17th December 1990, the date of the order authorising the call out of reserves.

If in any case an authority declines to make good any shortfall between service and civilian salary, the regulations will provide for the cost of both the employee's and the employer's contribution to be met by the authority. We understand, however, that authorities are in the main indicating their readiness to make good any shortfall in salary and we hope that all will conclude that they should do so.