HC Deb 15 January 1991 vol 183 c474W
Mr. Michael

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what factors influenced his decision on the timing of the announcement in respect of the criteria to be applied to applications from organisations seeking to develop local services in Wales for those involved in alcohol misuse.

Mr. Nicholas Bennett

The criteria set for bids for funding projects to combat alcohol misuse were primarily influenced by the experience gained in operating a similar central funding initiative in respect of drug misuse.

Mr. Michael

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what are the reasons for the delays from the initial announcements of plans for a campaign to tackle alcohol misuse and from the announcement of the amount of cash available for his Department to make details available and to invite applications from organisations concerned with the provision of local services in Wales in respect of alcohol misuse.

Mr. Nicholas Bennett

Following the announcement that central resources were being made available to combat alcohol misuse, it was necessary to establish a framework within which expenditure would be utilised and to seek the views of local agencies as to how the resources might best be deployed.

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