§ Mr. MorganTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will extend the period for consultation on groundwater in relation to the Cardiff Bay barrage for a period equivalent to that during which the advertising campaign by the development corporation adjudicated to be misleading by the Advertising Standards Authority was on display.
§ Mr. David HuntNo.
§ Mr. MorganTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales what assurances he has given the Wales region of the National Rivers Authority regarding control of the Blackweir diversion and feeder canal during periods of drought; what discussions he has had with the Cardiff Bay development corporation and Associated British Ports regarding the necessary legal and financial arrangements flowing therefrom; when he anticipates the completion of these agreements; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. David HuntThe Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill requires the development corporation, before it commences construction of the barrage, to submit for the approval of the rivers authority details of the steps which it proposes to take to enable it to comply with the authority's water flow requirements. As I explained to the hon. Gentleman on 4 December detailed negotiations between Cardiff Bay development corporation and Associated British Ports are a commercial matter for the two parties.
§ Mr. MorganTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales by what date he expects Cardiff Bay development corporation to have complied with the ruling of 6 December 1991 by the Advertising Standards Authority.
§ Mr. David HuntThe ASA reported to CBDC's advertising agents on 6 December on complaints about a CBDC poster. The authority considered that using the word "creating" in the phrase "Cardiff Bay—creating a superb waterfront environment", had given the impression that construction of the Cardiff Bay barrage was assured when this was not the case. At the time the poster appeared the barrage had yet to be put forward to Parliament in the form of a Bill. The advertisers were requested to ensure that no implication that the barrage would certainly be built should be given until it had achieved the necessary parliamentary approval. The authority also criticised the breach of confidentiality by which some complainants made public the conclusion of the case before it had been ratified by the ASA council.
The corporation has already complied with the ruling. Its advertising agency have proposed to the ASA an amendment to the copy of the magazine advertisement to read
The proposed construction of a barrage … would create a 500 acre freshwater lake".The advertising agency has reported to the corporation that the ASA are content for it to continue to use the wordsCreating a superb waterfront environment".