HC Deb 30 April 1991 vol 190 cc111-3W
38. Mr. Rowe

To ask the Minister for the Civil Service, if he will make a statement on the progress so far achieved by "Next Steps" agencies.

Mr. Renton

[pursuant to his reply, 15 April, 1991, c. 37–39]: Good progress is being made in setting up "Next Steps" agencies. This month the number of agencies reached 50 and there are now over 200,000 staff working on "Next Steps" lines. Announced candidates for agency status total 23 covering over 20,000 further staff. On top of this, the Inland Revenue will establish by April 1992 33 executive offices with nearly 60,000 staff working along "Next Steps" lines. By then I expect half the civil service to be working fully on "Next Steps" lines. The tables attached set out the existing agencies and announced candidates.

"Next Steps" places great importance on improving the delivery of Government services for all customers. The benefits of the programme can be seen from the numbers of improvements and initiatives which agencies are introducing to enable them to provide their customers with a better, more flexible, service. Agencies are increasingly consulting customers about their needs and where possible tailoring services to meet those needs. Each agency publishes its own annual report describing targets set, providing financial information and setting out what has been achieved. Last October the first annual review of "Next Steps" was published (Cm 1261) giving details of the achievements and improved performance of the agencies then established. I will ensure that this year a further review will be published to bring together for the benefit of the House information from these reports on all the agencies and what they are doing to meet the alms of "Next Steps".

Demanding financial and quality of service targets are being set and delivered for each agency. They demonstrate very clearly that the initiative is succeeding.

"Next Steps"
Executive agencies established as of April 1991
Building Research Establishment 69
Cadw (Welsh Historic Monuments) 22
Central Office of Information1 73
Central Veterinary Laboratory 58
Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment2 58
Civil Service College 21
Companies House 1,15
Defence Research Agency 11,70
Directorate General of Defence Accounts2 2,10
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 5,45
Driving Standards Agency 2,05
Employment Service 35,60
Forensic Science Service 58
Historic Royal Palaces 30
Historic Scotland 58
Her Majesty's Stationery Office1 3,30
Hydrographic Office2 88
Information Technology Services Agency 3,35
Insolvency Service 1,45
Intervention Board 91
Laboratory of the Government Chemist 32
Land Registry 10,40
Meteorological Office 2,25
Military Survey2 85
National Engineering Laboratory 43
National Physical Laboratory 82
National Weights and Measures Laboratory 5
Natural Resources Institute 39
NHS Estates 12
Occupational Health Service 10
Ordnance Survey 2,50
Patent Office 1,15
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre 7
Radiocommunications Agency 50
RAF Maintenance2 5,70
Rate Collection Agency (Northern Ireland) 28
Recruitment and Assessment Services Agency 32
Registers of Scotland 1,10
Resettlement Agency 51
Royal Mint1 1,05
Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency 23
Service Children's Schools (North West Europe)2 2,30
Social Security Benefits Agency 68,00
Social Security Contributions Agency 6,60
Training and Employment Agency (Northern Ireland) 1,70
United Kingdom Passport Agency 1,20
Vehicle Certification Agency 7
Vehicle Inspectorate1 1,65
Veterinary Medicines Directorate 7
Warren Spring Laboratory 32
50 in number 183,46
Customs and Excise3 (30 executive units) 26,80
1 Trading funds.
2 Defence Support Agency. Figure does not include service personnel.
3 Moving towards full operation on "Next Steps" lines publication of framework documents.

Staffing figures are based on staff in post on 1 October 1990.

"Next Steps—activities announced by Departments as under consideration as of April 1991
ADAS Agency 2,500
Agricultural Scientific Services1 130
Central Science Laboratory 340
Central Statistical Office 1,050

Chessington Computer Centre 440
Not yet
Child Support Agency2 known
Fire Service College1 200
Fuel Suppliers Branch 30
Medicines Safety Division1 350
Pesticide Safety Division1 160
Planning Inspectorate 570
Pollution Inspectorate 230
Property Holdings 1,650
Public Record Office 430
RAF Training3 2,500
Royal Parks 600
Teachers' Pensions Branch 300
The Buying Agency4 120
Transport Road Research Laboratory1 580
Valuation Office 5,250
Youth Treatment Service 210
Ordnance Survey (Northern Ireland) 200
Social Security Operations (Northern Ireland) 5,000
23 in number 22,840
Inland Revenue5 (excluding Valuation Office) 59,800
1 Current staffing figures.
2 From 1 April 1993 the agency is estimated to require 4,500 staff, 1,500 of which will come from the Social Security Benefits Agency.
3 Defence Support Agency. Figure does not include service personnel.
4 Trading fund.
5 Moving towards full operation on "Next Steps" lines in accordance with the action plan of February 1991: 33 executive offices by April 1992, each with a framework document, sharper accountabilities and wider managerial freedoms.


Staffing figures are based on staff in post 1 October 1990, except where specified.

Many other areas are under consideration.