HC Deb 29 April 1991 vol 190 cc1-3W
Mr. Dewar

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a table showing reconciliations for England, Scotland and Wales between local authority current expenditure as in table 5.8 of Cm. 1520 and the respective aggregate expenditure for grant purposes in successive revenue/(rate) support grant orders.

Mr. Mellor

Following the changes to the local authority finance system, data are no longer held in a form which makes it possible to provide the information requested, except at disproportionate cost. For most years, figures for current expenditure have changed only very slightly from those given to the hon. Member in response to the similar question he asked on 20 July 1990.

Differences in aggregate external finance between the 1990 public expenditure White Paper and the statistical supplement to the 1990 autumn statement
£ million
1987–88 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–932
Revenue Support Grant –70 –27
Non domestic payments 31 108 115 1,617 1,990
Magistrates courts 27 19 30
Commonwealth Immigrants 30 10
Probation and aftercare 1 20 19 30
Police 34 62 138 230
Education Support 54 50
In-service teacher training 5 –47 –50
Administration of Housing Benefit3 5 15 20
Area Protection Grant4 2 10 40
Other grants -40 40 52 50
Total 31 38 84 191 1,876 2,400
Revenue Support Grant 9 16
Non domestic rate payments 268 260
Urban programme –3 –6 1
Police 4 –12 2
Administration of Housing Benefit3 1 2
Other grants 1 9 10
Total 11 –1 282 270
Revenue Support Grant
Non domestic rate payments 138 80
Police –3 4 7 10
Other grants 1 3 4
Total –3 7 150 90
Total Great Britain 31 38 92 197 2,308 2,770
1The differences shown are differences after adjustments for changes of classification and switches between departments and spending sectors.
2Figures are rounded to the nearest £10 million.
3Including Community Charge benefit administration.
4Including low rateable value areas grant.

Mr. Dewar

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish in theOfficial Report an analysis using the

Mr. Dewar

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish in theOfficial Report an analysis for the years 1984–85 to 1993–94, in as far as practicable in the same format as table 5.1 of Cm. 1520 of aggregate external finance of local authorities, showing (a) changes between table 21.4.3 of Cm. 1021 and table 5.3 of Cm. 1520 and (b) changes between table 5.3 of Cm. 1520 and the "Financial Report and Budget Statement" 1991–92.

Mr. Mellor

The information is set out in the table below. It is on the same basis as the information on differences from Cm. 1021 presented in the statistical supplement to the 1990 autumn statement—that is, it excludes differences arising from changes in the way expenditure is recorded (classification changes) or from transfers between departments or sectors (for example, switching responsibility for expenditure from central Government to local authorities). Figures for 1985–86 and 1986–87 are unchanged. Corresponding analyses of differences between the supplement and the "Financial Statement and Budget Report" are not available. Details of changes since the supplement arising from the community charge reduction scheme and the measures announced on 17 January to reduce the levels of community charges are set out in table 5.2 of the "Financial Statement and Budget Report".

economic categories of table 5.6 of Cm. 1520 of the differences in the years 1984–85 to 1993–94 between the levels of local authority self-financed expenditure underlying (a) table 21.4.11 of Cm 1021 and table 5.11 of Cm. 1520 and (b) table 5.11. of Cm. 1520 and the "Financial Report and Budget Statement" 1991–92.

Mr. Mellor

Local authority self-financed expenditure is simply the residual between the level of local authority expenditure (and projections for future years) and the level of central Government support for local authorities (plans for future years). Differences in the levels of local authority self-financed expenditure therefore simply depend on changes in local authority expenditure itself, and in central Government support. Levels of local authority expenditure are shown in table 21.4.6 of Cm. 1021, and table 5.6

Retail Prices Index
Average annual percentage increase
January 1986 to March 1991 January 1980 to January 1990 January 1970 to January 1980 January 1960 to January 1970
Goods other than food and fuel and light1 2 5.0 5.8 12.5 3.5
Food, fuel and light and services 4.6 5.7 14.5 4.0
Housing 12.8 11.9 13.5 5.1
1 Includes vehicle maintenance, tax and insurance prior to 1974.
2 Including the cost of meals out since 1968.