§ Mr. StrawTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what sums have been pledged by ADT in respect of the city technology college, Wandsworth; and on what dates and in what amounts these sums are due.
§ Mr. StrawTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will list the dates and amounts of funds actually paid over by ADT in respect of their sponsorship of the city technology college, Wandsworth; in what form such payments have been made; and to whom the payments have been made.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeADT plc has agreed to pay £1 million and to underwrite a further £700,000 as their contribution of the capital costs for establishing the Wandsworth city technology college. A schedule of payments is being drawn up.
177WADT has made two payments of £500,000 and £250,000 which were paid in August 1990 and March 1991 respectively, towards the college capital programme.
I congratulate ADT on its public-spirited sponsorship of a very attractive project to improve educational opportunities for children in south London, which is making good progress.