HL Deb 16 April 1991 vol 527 c84WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether any British forces took part in the destruction of military forces and civilians on the road to Basra after the announcement by Saddam Hussein that he was withdrawing from Kuwait, and, if so, under whose orders they were then operating and whether the decision to destroy retreating forces (in contradiction of earlier statements) was taken by the military commanders or by Her Majesty's Government.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (The Earl of Arran):

Allied attacks during the night of 26th/27th February on Iraqi units moving north with their equipment ahead of the allied advance on Kuwait City were part of the military operation to liberate Kuwait and to restore the legitimate government, and were directed by coalition commanders in the same way as other military actions during the campaign. Fighting was in progress throughout the theatre and it was allied policy to attack Iraqi units which could continue to pose a threat. RAF aircraft were not involved in the attacks between Kuwait City and the Matla ridge, as this was outside the area of operations of British forces.