HC Deb 23 October 1990 vol 178 cc112-5W
Mrs. Fyfe

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will provide a list of those he has consulted on the proposal for a new EC directive on the protection of pregnant women stating the date on which he sought these views, the date on which the text of the draft directive was made available in English to those being consulted and the date by which responses have to be received; and whether he will make a copy of the draft directive available to hon. Members.

Mr. Forth

The organisations and individuals consulted were as follows:

  • ACAS
  • All 24 members of the Advisory Committee on Women's Employment
  • Aims of Industry
  • Alliance of Small Firms and Self Employed People Ltd
  • Allied Bakeries Ltd
  • Association of British Chambers of Commerce
  • Association of Chief Ambulance Officers
  • Association of Chief Police Officers
  • Association of County Councils
  • Association of Directors of Public Health
  • Association of Directors of Recreation & Tourism
  • Association of District Councils
  • Association of Exhibition Organisers
  • Association of Independent Businesses
  • Association of Independent Tour Operators
  • Association of Metropolitan Authorities
  • Automobile Association
  • Avon Cosmetics Ltd.
  • Barclays Group plc Staff Union
  • Barrow-in-Furness Council
  • BAT Industries
  • Bayer UK Ltd.
  • BEC
  • BICC plc
  • Britannia Airways Ltd.
  • British Airways plc
  • British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions
  • British Broadcasting Corporation
  • British Chemical Engineering Contractors Association
  • British Coal
  • British Computer Society
  • British Council
  • British Dental Association
  • British Gas plc
  • British Glass Manufacturing Confederation
  • British Hotels, Restaurants and Caterers Association
  • British Institute of Management
  • British Junior Chamber
  • British Medical Association
  • British Occupational Hygiene Society/Institute of Occupational Hygienists
  • British Oxygen Company
  • British Paper and Board Industry Federation
  • British Rail
  • British Security Industries Association
  • British Steel plc
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  • British Telecommunications plc
  • British Tourist Authority/English Tourist Board
  • Brook Street London Operations Centre
  • Building Employers Confederation
  • Building Societies Association
  • Business and Professional Women
  • Cable and Wireless plc
  • Catering Managers Association
  • Central Office of the Industrial Tribunals (England and Wales)
  • Central Office of the Industrial Tribunals (Scotland)
  • Chemical Industries Association Ltd.
  • Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association
  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Cinema Exhibitors' Association
  • Civil Aviation Authority
  • Commission for Racial Equality
  • Confederation of British Industry
  • Contract Cleaning and Maintenance Association
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
  • Council of Managerial and Professional Staffs
  • Council on Tribunals
  • Declan O'Dempsey
  • Department of Economic Development, Northern Ireland
  • District Nursing Association
  • Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunication and Plumbing Union
  • Electricity Association
  • Employment Appeal Tribunal
  • Engineering Employers Federation
  • Equal Opportunities Commission
  • Euro Bureau
  • Euroinfocentre
  • European Information Centre
  • Faculty of Advocates
  • Fawcett Society
  • Federation of Bakers
  • Federation of Managerial, Professional & General Associations
  • Federation of Medium and Small Employers
  • Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services
  • Fire Brigades Union
  • Food & Drink Federation
  • Forum of Private Business
  • Freemans plc
  • General Council of the Bar
  • General Council of British Shipping
  • Gingerbread
  • Glaxo Holdings plc
  • Guild of Cleaners & Launderers
  • Hairdressing Training Board
  • Halmark Cards
  • Health and Safety Commission
  • ICI Group HQ
  • ICL
  • Ilford Ltd
  • Incomes Data Services Ltd
  • Independent Broadcasting Authority
  • Independent Midwives Association
  • Independent Television Association
  • Industrial Relations Services
  • Industrial Society
  • Institute of Directors
  • Institute of Economic Affairs
  • Institute of Employment Rights
  • Institute of Management Consultants
  • Institute of Personnel Management
  • Institute of Radiation Protection
  • Institute of Safety & Public Protection
  • Institution of Environmental Health Officers
  • Institution of Occupational Safety & Health
  • Institution of Professionals, Managers & Specialists
  • IOH Services Ltd
  • John Lewis plc
  • John Menzies GB Ltd
  • Kodak Ltd
  • Kirby College of Further Education
  • Labour Relations Agency
  • Ladybrook Nursery
  • L'Arome (UK) Ltd
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  • Law Centres Federation
  • Law Society
  • Law Society of Scotland
  • League of Jewish Women
  • Linklaters & Paines
  • Linton & Hirst Ltd.
  • Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board
  • Local Authorities Employers' Organisation
  • Logica
  • London Boroughs Association
  • London Underground Ltd.
  • Low Pay Unit
  • Lord O'Hagan
  • Mr. W. Manser
  • Maternity Alliance
  • Mebon Ltd.
  • Mecca Leisure Ltd.
  • Merseyside Chamber of Commerce
  • Michelin Tyres plc
  • Midland Bank plc
  • Nacanco Ltd.
  • National Alliance of Women's Organisations
  • National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
  • National Association of Local Government Women's Committees
  • National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners & Caterers
  • National Chamber of Trade
  • National Council for Civil Liberties
  • National Council for One Parent Families
  • National Council of Hotel Associations
  • National Council of Women
  • National Engineering Construction Employers Association
  • National Farmers Union
  • National Federation of Retail Newsagents
  • National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Ltd.
  • National Licensed Victuallers Association
  • National Market Traders' Federation
  • National Power plc
  • National Union of Journalists
  • Nera
  • New Ways to Work
  • Newspaper Society
  • Nicholson Chamberlain Colls Group
  • Norton Rose
  • Nuclear Electric
  • Office of Wages Councils
  • Osborne Clarke
  • Pannell Kerr & Forster
  • People's Dispensary for Sick Animals
  • PepsiCo.
  • Personal Managers Association
  • Pilkington plc
  • Police Federation of England and Wales
  • Post Office
  • Radio Rentals
  • RCN Society of Occupational Health Nursing
  • Redland Aggregate Ltd
  • Reed International
  • Retail Consortium
  • Richard Shops
  • Road Haulage Association
  • Robert Dyas Ltd
  • Royal Automobile Club
  • Royal College of Nursing of the UK
  • Royal College of Physicians
  • Royal Environmental Health Institution of Scotland
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
  • Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
  • Scottish Council for Single Parents
  • Scottish Courts Administration
  • Scottish Grocers' Federation
  • Showman's Guild of Great Britain
  • Spreechly Bircham
  • Society of West End Theatre
  • Suttons Seeds Ltd
  • Townswomens Guilds
  • Trades Union Congress
  • TSB Group plc
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  • The Union of Independent Businesses
  • United Cinemas International
  • Vine Products and Whiteways
  • Welsh Women's Aid
  • Whitbreads
  • W H Smith Ltd
  • Women's National Commission
  • Working Mothers Association
  • Wyatt Company

The consultation letter was issued on 24 September and organisations were asked to respond by 7 November.

The official text of the draft directive is not yet available. An unofficial text was received by my Department on 3 October. A copy has been sent to any organisation on request, and one has now been placed in the Library of the House of Commons.