HC Deb 22 October 1990 vol 178 cc4-5W
Mr. Dykes

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish an analysis of the breakdown of 1990 A-level results in secondary schools, with comparable figures of grades and percentages for both the maintained schools and the independent sector; and if he will make a statement on indications of changes in overall A-level standards, both for pass levels and for the higher mark grade categories.

Mr. Eggar

The table shows, for school leavers in England in 1988–89, the percentage of those attempting A-level or AS examinations who achieve UCCA points scores of 1 to 8 and 9 to 15.

School Leavers in England, 1988–89
Maintained Independent All Schools
Attempting 1 or more A/AS-levels (000's) 106.46 33.00 139.49
Percentage of above who gain
UCCA1 points score 1–8 59.1 43.4 55.4
UCCA1 points score 9–15 31–2 52–9 36–3

1The UCCA points score is calculated using the 3 best A-level, or paired AS examination, results. Each grade is given a score, from 5 points for a Grade A to 1 point for a grade E, and the best 3 added together. The maximum points score is therefore 15.

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