HC Deb 17 October 1990 vol 177 c816W
Mr. Carrington

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what arrangements he has made to transfer the money made available by the October 1989 changes in hostel dwellers' benefit entitlements to alternative funding sources.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

In line with the announcement made by my right hon. Friend the former Secretary of State on 16 March 1989 at columns 546–54, funds will be transferred from the Department of Social Security as follows:

Department Allocation
Department of the Environment (for the Department of Health) For local authority social services departments in England
Home Office For probation, bail and after care hostels
Scottish Office For local authority social work departments in Scotland
Welsh Office For all relevant hostels in Wales

In addition, a small proportion of the available total will be retained by the Department of Social Security for the Resettlement Agency.

The other Departments concerned will be initiating discussions about consequent arrangements for hostel funding from April 1991 with local authorities and other interested parties. Details of temporary payments currently being made to hostels by the Department of Social Security are being provided to these Departments to inform their discussions.