HC Deb 15 October 1990 vol 177 cc697-8W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Secrertary of State for Scotland how many enforcement officers from his Department are permanently stationed in each Scottish fishing port; and where none are resident, how many landing days per annum are supervised by his officials.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland has 59 permanent staff based at 20 coastal offices. The normal deployment of these staff is shown in the table.

Port Number of staff
South East area
Eyemouth 4
Pittenweem 2
Arbroath 2
Eastern area
Aberdeen 5
North Eastern area
Peterhead 8
Moray Firth area
Fraserburgh 5
Macduff 1
Buckie 2
Lossiemouth 1
Northern area
Wick 2
Lerwick 4
Scrabster 1
North Western area
Kinlochbervie 3
Lochinver 2
Stornoway 2
Ullapool 4
Mallaig 3
South Western area
Oban 1
Campbeltown 2
Ayr 5
Total 59

No records are maintained of the frequency of inspections at other ports, but they are visited regularly having regard to the level of fishing activity in each area.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what checks are made by his officials to see that fish listed as caught in a specified area were actually caught there.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

Log books are examined each time a fishing vessel lands a catch or is boarded at sea.

Confirmation of the reported areas of fishing activity is sought by comparing the log book entries with surveillance data provided by fishery protection vessels and aircraft.

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