HC Deb 07 March 1990 vol 168 c707W
Mr. O'Neill

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what modifications were carried out to the Harrier GR5 ejector seat after October 1987.

Mr. Alan Clark

Following the crash of Harrier GR5 ZD325 a total of 21 modifications were identified as being necessary to the ejection seat. Five of these were declared mandatory before flying could recommence: two to the seat itself, two to the emergency oxygen selector valve and the fifth to remove a cockpit wander lamp thought to be a potential loose object hazard. All have been carried out. Three further modifications to the oxygen system mounted on the seat were declared mandatory before aircraft could fly at heights above 10,000 ft and are in the process of being embodied. Aircraft not yet modified are required to fly below 10,000 ft. The remaining modifications are not safety critical and are being made on an opportunity basis.