HL Deb 19 July 1990 vol 521 cc1108-9WA
Lord ClintonDavis

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they intend that the full cost of implementing the recommendations for improved railway safety identified by the Hidden Report into the rail crash at Clapham in December 1988 are to be paid for by increased fares.

Whether they will specify how they propose to implement their pledge that financial constraints will not be permitted to stand in the way of safety improvements affecting British Rail.

Viscount Davidson

Part of the cost of implementing the Hidden Report is covered by the £125 million for safety measures already included in BR's expenditure plans for the next three years and endorsed by the Government. My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Transport has asked BR to produce detailed estimates of the cost of implementing the longerterm recommendations. These estimates will be included in BR's 1990 corporate plan, which my right honourable friend expects to receive in the autumn. Once the likely cost is known my right honourable friend can consider, jointly with BR, how best to fund it. The Government will continue to ensure that BR has adequate funds for safety.